Unhealthy is not attractive!

in blog •  4 years ago 

Everyone comes to earth with a very specific time limit set to them. Once that time is over, they leave us and move on to wherever "After-death" is. What remains are the people left behind still stuck in their time limit. It is us who suffer the most when a person in our life leaves us. The memories, the laughs, the moments and more are the things that haunt us and make us feel their absence.


In the recent movement for body acceptance, a fine line has been blurred. I remember when pictures of burn victims, acid attack victims, cleft palate, and body disformity was the face of body acceptance. It was them who needed the acceptance the most. People who have been put in an unfair position in life. It was easy and rather comfortable to shun them, even if they were not to be blamed.

I remember Ricky, a firefighter, who had lost his upper limbs and was left with a skin so burnt that he almost looked inhuman. Just imagine what his life may have been like. Obviously, people would have been cared of him, children would run away from him, and I do not think he did have any good luck when it came to job openings. People like Ricky needed body acceptance movements. Ricky was a hero. He lost his "human" appearance saving other humans from loss, grief, and maybe even inhuman appearances.

But what has body acceptance come to, now? When you hear the word body acceptance what comes to mind? What is the face of body acceptance?

A better question, what is the biggest cause of early death nowadays? Obesity. It's a fact. That is why I strongly believe that unhealthy lifestyle should not be encouraged, it should not be celebrated, it should not be made "normal". The encouragement will only shun the society of incredible people who could have done so much in terms of social services, community help and even space exploration. But instead, we will lose potentially incredible people to obesity.

That doesn't mean fat shaming should be okay. It should never be. Instead, education should be encouraged. People should be aware of the dangers of living in an unhealthy fashion. They should be encouraged and helped to find a solution to the growing problem in today's society. Because when they leave us, not only will the society lose someone valuable, but their loved ones will be hurt the most.

Eating disorders, if it is overeating or anemia, bulemia, or anything else, should be treated. People don't need to be shamed for what they cannot control. Instead, they should be given a hand of support. Not in the current fashion where it is encouraged to be unhealthy, but to show them what options they have and the consequences, too.

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