Punchcode Programming Bootcamp, Day 59

in blog •  6 years ago 

Pack up the truck boys. Its finally over!


11 weeks of hard work, constant studying and praying to whatever God out there will listen is finally over. Today was our presentation and we KILLED IT! Everyone did awesome in their demos. All of the guests I spoke to were very impressed by our work, and these are people in the Vegas tech community that I really respect. So hearing their praise meant a lot to me and showed me that I have the right to refer to myself as a developer. Even if I don't have complete confidence in myself I have proven that I deserve to be here.

So that's it? I can take the rest of the year off? Not even close...


Tomorrow is a day to sleep in and just relax. And the weekend too. But when Monday rolls around I do still have to go to campus. Because now the real stress begins...mock job interviews. Even in the tech industry you still have to interview for a job. And tech interviews are different than regular job interviews. I've never been to a hospitality interview that involved a white board, for example.

So even if there is no more coding that I need to do for class, there is still a ton of work left until I can finally relax. And even when I do find a job I still need to stay on top of my skills, which means not relaxing too much.

Today was a great day and we capped it off with a dinner and a small ceremony. At the end of the first week of bootcamp we were asked to answer three questions on a piece of paper, fold that paper in half and submit it to our instructors. There were three questions on the paper.

  1. What did you join Punchcode?
  2. What do you expect will happen over the next 12 weeks?
  3. How do you feel right now?

It was eye opening to see how far I came since then. Anyone starting a bootcamp should really log their experiences and look back on them over the course of the cohort. I think I'll go back over some of my earlier blog posts and revisit those simpler times.

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