Punchcode Programming Bootcamp, Day 61

in blog •  6 years ago 

Now that class is out what do I do with my time?


I suppose I have a subconscious desire to be in class, even when there is no actual class. Because both of my instructors are off for most of this week and I still managed to show up on campus at 9:00am sharp. I vaguely remember hearing something to the effect that nobody would be on campus for the week. But I suppose my brain blocked that out so that I wouldn't be at home with all that free time.

So tomorrow will be my first mock interview. I'm not really sure how to prepare for it since I've never had a mock interview geared for a tech job. Honestly I don't recall ever having a mock interview for any of the industries I've ever worked in. But I wish I had them. I don't think I interview very well. Interviews are a chance to sell yourself and I tend to be pretty modest about what I can do or what I'm capable of. And modesty tends to cause more harm than good in an interview. Obviously I'm not saying you should lie or overstate your abilities, but if you aren't your biggest advocate then who will be?

Tomorrow is also my very first ever official certification exam. I'll be taking the Microsoft Javascript programming course. I've been told that it is not too difficult and our coursework is ample preparation for the exam. Hasn't stopped me from trying to find some sample questions online or at least know what to expect. One thing I am definitely expecting is to be strictly monitored and yelled at for doing anything that resembles something that could be misconstrued as possibly cheating. From what I've heard that includes talking to myself, using the cursor to underline certain words or having someone randomly walk past a window that can be seen from my camera. I'm as concerned about getting disqualified for something silly as I am about failing the exam outright. Hopefully neither one happens.

Other than that I think my cohort is complete. Nothing scheduled for Wednesday and I think my instructors are available by appointment for Thursday or Friday.


Job searching would probably be the wisest thing to do with my freetime. Or consider some of life's greatest mysteries...


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