I love the new Justice League trailer

in blog •  8 years ago  (edited)

 Ever since the game changing Avengers movie came out, I long to see a Justice League movie.  While I do appreciate the Marvel cinematic universe, I am and will always be a DC fan. There is something about their characters, the stories, and the lore that makes it feel larger than life.   I just get a sense of surrealism when thinking about the DC characters.  Marvel characters are awesome in their own right, but the issue is that they're too relatable.  And this is not bad within itself from a story perspective.  But what makes DC so amazing is that their characters are basically demi-Gods.  I feel like a little kid when I see their adventures.   They feel like icons.  

  To me, the movie looks fantastic.  Yeah, there are definitely some "Snyderisms' in here for sure, like the movie looks way to darkly lit.  And it seems to lack a lot of character.  But I still get a sense of grand scale and epicness when looking at the previews.  Let's hope it lives up to the hype.  Wonder Woman was a step in the right direction for the franchise, so let's see what else they can do.

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DC has fucked up most of their movies, this one better be good.

I was never fan of Justice League, I like Batman a little (not much of a fan) but I always thought of DC Universe as lower-quality Marvel (Even with Marvel I only like Spiderman and few others).

Before knowing how vast DC Universe is I wasn't interested... But now after I knew how big it is I find it overwhelming. I feel that if I want to follow it properly I'll spend years... and I rather use that time on anime/games.

But enogh about me, I'm glad they are making new Justice League. not for me but for the fans. and for Batman.

wuao, esperando la pelicula oficial, que sea pronto!!

Jason Momoa is the man