Misc Rambling Quotes

in blog β€’Β  7 years agoΒ  (edited)

All these are various Misc rambling Quotes- some are cut & paste- followed by my comments


1- from Henry Makow. (www.henrymakow.com)

"Has Pursuing a Woman Been Outlawed? "

(me- I sure hope not- that is part of the fun in life- and truth be told - few women want to make the first move- know why- it's not ladylike & goes completely against the female nature. Even the most outgoing wild young woman with tattoos & face piercing does not want to be the pursuer- that is that man's role- and has been since the dawn of humanity.)

"Heterosexuality involves pursuit: Overcoming a woman's resistance and winning her trust and acquiescence. "

"The Illuminati manipulate society"

"#MeToo movement that would make any man think twice before so much as complimenting a woman. "

"promiscuity is psychological poison for both males and females. Sex must be exclusive because that is what signifies. Sex is ultimately about procreation. The man must be sure that children are his. The Illuminati push promiscuity because they want to destroy the family unit and ultimately conceive and raise children communally. "

" The reason so many young people are lost today is due to the Illuminati's destruction of the family ideal. If a man and a woman make raising their children their main priority, everything else falls into place."

"Heterosexuals now face a more comprehensive and vicious attack than anything experienced by homosexuals.

"Satanist social engineers ... have tampered with the fundamental sexual alchemy of nature. By empowering females and emasculating males ("gender equality"), they have sabotaged male-female complementary and the lives of millions. The Illuminati are Satanists who believe in corrupting what is natural and healthy. The fact that media and government are attacking heterosexuality is a sign of how far our subversion has gone."


(me- just because I post a few quotes from Henry Makow- does not mean I agree with his position of woman as inferiors who must SUBMIT to men be FULFILLED in Life. Although- I do realize that is many a mans fantasy. To those men who wish that- Lots of luck with that- as I used to tell my Brothers.

And since I'm spilling the beans on my brothers- YES- They actually stated in no uncertain terms THEY wanted a WOMAN- they could BOSS AROUND. I wished them Good Luck With That. Then By Some Weird Twist Of Fate- They Brought Home Some PSYCHO WHORES FROM HELL! I was like Listen- Dude- Just because you had a DRY spell - does not mean you should now BE IN LOVE- Overnight- Just because you GOT SOME. I MEAN- That Thing YOU BROUGHT HOME- IS A PSYCHO BITCH. They didn't listen though. In the case of one of my brothers - he married Psycho Bitch. She was SUCH A PSYCHO BITCH- that SATAN himself had to KICK her out of HELL & Send her back to Earth- To Get her away from him. Poor Boy- My brother that is- she caused him soooooo many years of misery.)


I don't know how my position on NO IMMIGRATION - could be put in any more clear, concise or polite terms-


Why I Now Say- Stick That FAKE TOLERANCE- Up Your Ass- Virtue Signalling Libtard


Here is Your First Female President Of The United States- Not Able To Walk Down The Stairs Even When Two Big Strong men Are Holding Her Up. But Healthy Enough To BE THE SUPREME LEADER of THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON PLANET EARTH. What Kind Of A Pussy- would vote this?

The Telegraph is Reporting-

DNA tests can predict intelligence, scientists show for first time

"By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor  - 12 March 2018 β€’ 5:52pm

Intelligence could be measured with a swab of saliva, or drop of blood, after scientists showed for the first time that a person’s IQ can be predicted just by studying their DNA.

In the largest ever study looking at the genetic basis for intelligence, researchers at the University of Edinburgh and Harvard University discovered hundreds of new genes linked to brain power.

Previous studies have suggested that between 50 per cent and 75 per cent of intelligence is inherited, and the rest comes through upbringing, friendship groups and education. That figure was calculated by studying identical twins who share the same DNA, therefore any differences in IQ between them must be non-genetic."

BOMBSHELL BABY- you mean IQ is Mostly Genetic.

HMMMMMM Let's Welcome in More SHITSKINS- No Borders- Let Them All Come To America! I guess that story about the WHITE MAN being EVIL & the Reason Why The Entire Brown Mongrel World Lives Like Shit- Is Not True. I Mean If IQ is GENETIC & The Shitskins are all low IQ- Then that is why they live like shit.

The two sickest most disgusting things I've ever read.....

unless you've got some strange addiction to horrifying news- don't go there-

White Pornstars Beg White Knights to Make Them Feel Better After DISGUSTING- ROUGH- ABUSIVE Sex w/ Blacks....

go here- for a sick expose on the PORN INDUSTRY. Thank The Jews- I'm pretty sure they're the ones behind all that free porn flooding the Internet....

story here- https://dailystormer.name/white-pornstars-begs-white-knights-to-make-her-feel-better-after-fucking-a-nigger/

( This story- from the "Porno Stars" themselves- tells THE TRUTH about what that porn industry is really like. I never did follow that whole Bullshit Feminist line - that being in Porn or a whore- IS EMPOWERING for women. It is absolutely mind-boggling. A goodlooking woman walking down the street is the VICTIM of Male Patriarch if she gets a smile & a whistle. But being a porno whore & getting your body literally torn up - so torn up- it requires surgery & weeks of recovery to fix it- from Porno film sex scenes- THAT IS FEMALE EMPOWERMENT! )

I've previously posted ABOUT NOT USING MUSLIM DOCTORS-

β€œDiverse” Hospital’s Sheer Incompetence Results in White Woman Losing Two Legs and an Arm

link here- https://dailystormer.name/uk-diverse-hospital-amputates-young-white-womans-legs-and-arm-through-sheer-incompetence/


Jeff Berwick goes for a walk with his many dogs & states-

Facing Yourself Is The Hardest Thing You Will Ever Do... But It's Worth It

I did not watch the whole video- But that statement sure is true- and I'll add to that- Facing Yourself is The Hardest Thing You Will Ever Do- It's Also The Journey Through The Dark Night Of Soul. Based On My OBSERVATIONS- if you don't go thru it- you're most likely going to never stop living a FUCKED-UP life.

Yes- I've been thru it- more than once. No- mine didn't involve drug or sex issues- Everyone's issues are different.....


Saw some post somewhere on an Alt-News Site- claiming these two crisis ACTORS are COUSINS- Blood Relatives-


supposedly the Shaved Headed GONZALES Girl- Her Mother's Maiden name is HOGG & she too Graduated from High School Years Ago.....

I did a Google search & found this definition of a SHITLORD-

"A shitlord is any cisgendered white male who fails to conform to the brave new world of sucking the dicks of Internet trannies, Internet "women", and various other white devils with no life and an Internet connection. Shitlords must be constantly reminded that it is the current year, which renders their opinions, values, and beliefs objectively wrong. Before the Internet, such people were called "politically incorrect", or... you know, free.

This used to be a stock insult aimed especially at GamerGaters, but like blacks with the word nigger, they adopted it as a compliment."

And ya know what- that is Sexist. Cause if a woman is a SHITLORD- she'll more than likely be called either a ball buster, or a petty argumentative bitch........

So if anyone followed that Trannies Hissy fit against me & my burning desire to bust that Trannies Ball's & have the Last Word- I'll let you decide- was I Ball Busting Bitch, a Petty Argumentative Bitch- or was i just a female shitlord.....

Boy- see how petty I am. But Truth Be told- Most Woman are like that- just want to be Right, The Winner & Have The Last Word.

And I'll give you another little tip- in case by chance- some poor fool is reading this-


Why- Because- even if you did nothing wrong & even if she wasn't even thinking you did anything wrong- AS SOON AS YOU ASK THAT QUESTION- what automatically pops into most women's mind- is to come up with a big long list of what you did wrong. I mean you asked for it- so now she'll give it to you.

From what I've witnessed Most women are like this. Once years ago- I was talking to my boyfriend. Everything was fine, it was a weekend- we were laying in bed..... I was talking. The guy had no idea what I was talking about & assumed was leading up to something being wrong with him- which was not the case. In fact I was in a really good mood & everything was fine. But as soon as this guy asked "DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG." - Here is what immediately flashed into my mind- what a fucking idiot- he didn't do anything wrong- immediately replaced with- but since he asked- I'll give him a big long list right now of EVERYTHING HE DOES WRONG- then as I was about to open my mouth & come up with a list of everything he does wrong- then I looked at his face- the poor sap looked so peaceful. I thought- oh hell- life is shitty enough as it is- why ruin it. So I said- NO, Everything is fine. Then we went to sleep.

I always remembered that. and I will tell you what- I have NEVER ONCE IN MY LIFE- ever asked anyone DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG. (Not Unless I Knew Exactly what the answer & the issue would be). You know why- because it opens up a whole can of worms.........

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Oh, so your just an awful uninformed person all the time. That oddly makes me feel better. Like it makes you less dimensional but super stereotypical which is helpful in understanding your lashing out at things you find confusing. Thank you for the insight.