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Past history with us.

General toxicness makes our effort look bad.

Called us out in this post, and others before if I am not mistaken.

The IW would never ask anyone to be politically correct. While we almost never care about someone using the words they want to, it reflects poorly on our effort when they use such harsh language. Multiple N and S were said towards the middle of the post that we originally did not notice.

Good job turning Steemit into

How's that?

By your constant support of racist garbage like this post

Upon further reflection on this post, I do see that in the middle of it Caladium does say some racist words in it.

We did not catch that before, in the future it is more helpful to point directly at what is said in the post as we may have missed it.

The IW does not want to curate racist stuff.

It is one thing to factually talk about how migration is bad, and how everyone is entitled to their own country/sovereignty.

It is another thing with her calling us out, saying racist stuff in the middle of a post. She has called out IW before and clearly doesn't like us. Everyone is entitled to their own feelings I suppose.

Anyways, thanks for pointing that out. In the future please point out something directly as a few of us missed that part.

While I don't agree with racism I also don't agree with hating someone because they are racist. I have spoken to many different kinds of racist throughout the years (of every colour) and I would rather challenge their ideas. Also whatever nasty words a person uses dismissing their real concerns will only push them towards an echo chamber.

This post was also a direct criticism of @informationwar and thus I felt it was important to afford the opportunity to answer her criticism.

I read her entire post thoroughly as I always do when I curate NatSocFags and even though she used Forbidden Words she did not say all N-words are this or all Sp*cs are that, but used those words to describe things that had actually happened to her.

Is it abnormal for a victim of sexual assault to feel hate?

Informationwar will never be stormfront but I for one am a free speech extremist, and will not insult, censor or exclude someone for wrongthink. Not even filthy socialists of whatever stripe.


PS. I guess I will insult them for socialist tendencies my bad.

"In the 1980's America was still around 85% WHITE. Today in the year 2018- America is somewhere around 62% to 65% White."

In 1491 it was zero percent white so it looks like all the illegal white immigrants and their descendants did pretty well

Nice all seeing eye you satan worshiping POS!

Get off your daughter and go fuck your mother you inbred piece of trash

Can I come and live with you?

Brilliant! - you may be the only person on Steemit with the guts to say this!

Excuse me? - I'm offended. lol

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I have just read your original post an the reply to which you refer.

I'm British and European (who strongly supports Brexit) and I echo some of what @canusapatriots is trying to draw your attention to.

I agree with you that these countries are obscenely violent and the people are ultimately responsible for their actions. But these countries are also extremely impoverished, not least for the neocolonial activities of the U.S and Europeans and their global corporations. And if there's one proven antecedent for crime it's poverty. And that poverty is a result of corporate exploitation.

These people are fleeing that violence and poverty. You are right that amongst them will be many criminals intending to capitalise on the exodus. Just as those fleeing Syria will have terrorists in their midst. But most won't be.

Most will be normal families trying to escape the terrible conditions within their countries. You are right that such huge migration flows threaten the stability of the U.S but I believe blaming the poor for this is the wrong way to go about making your point.

European and U.S history demonstrates that the real problem are the bankers and corporate 'elites' who are farming all of us, including these poor wretches and you and I. While we bicker over our supposed divisions they are getting on with the business of making money off our backs.

Do you think they give a shit about this caravan? Of course not. It won't effect them, only poor, hard working Americans. They profit from the racial, cultural and social divisions because it keeps us all at each others throats while they continue to work us into the ground for their own enrichment.

They operate a system of divide and rule and, with the greatest respect, may I suggest you are inadvertently playing into that agenda. I appreciate your honesty and do empathise with much of what you say but you are directing your anger in the wrong direction in my opinion. For what it's worth.

So let's all be part of the 3rd world while the elite laugh at us.

No. Let's direct our anger towards the people who are 'causing the problem.'

No truer word has ever been said. Canadians are a bunch of pussies!

No we're not!-@openparadigm

We're still not pussies!