Blog - Today's workout 7.3.17

in blog •  8 years ago 

Chest + Shoulders


Here's a little taste of what today's workout was...

I don't recommend anyone new to lifting follow this protocol.

Bench Press (now, I don't include bench press in every chest workout. It's not the be all, end all)
3 warm up sets of 12 - (at 35 I have to make sure that the joints are ready to go)
4 working sets of 10 to 12 - (resist going to failure on any of the sets except the final)

**Incline Bench Press **
3 sets of 9 to 10 - (my rep pace is 2 seconds for contraction, 3 to 4 seconds stretch - no locking of elbows)

Decline Cable Fly
4 sets of 10 to 15 - (used this exercise to push blood into the chest. cell expansion)

Incline Cable Fly
2 sets of 10

Straight Cable Fly
3 sets of 8 to 10

Shoulder Press on Hammer Strength Plated Loaded
1 "warmup" set - (I'm technically warm, but I use this set to help the CNS realize that I'm changing muscle groups, focus on contraction)
2 sets of 10
1 set of 6 (heavy set)

Dumbbell Lateral Raises
4 sets of 12 to 15

Dumbbell Front Raise alternated w/ Lateral Raise - (1st rep front, 2nd rep side, 3rd rep front, etc.)
3 sets of 10 to 12

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