Now managing between 30 and 40 reps per session (can do 50 basic curls) 2 to 3 times a day, starting to get some definition in arms and shoulders but only if I flex! Mostly in the mirror! 🤣Looking forward to having a physique!
I can now do 100 stomach crunches, I don't want to go to full sit-ups yet just some basic muscles for now
I had hit a bottom on the weight loss, not that I was trying too hard, I assumed it was my constantly drinking Coca-Cola so knocked that on the head about a week ago, only water since and have managed to lose about 4kg so far! Down to 110, I think 90 is a good target. The mirror will tell!
I think going for a daily walk would do me good but I need to ease in, I had a close call with a blackout a few days ago, in fairness it was nearly midday sun but I hadn't walked that far, maybe a couple of km....
Keeping on pushing!