My Summer Vacation In Moravia - Episode IV

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Wednesday 8/8/2018

Today was very exhausting. We went to a nearby village called Pasohlavky. Here you can find a huge waterpark - Aqualand Moravia. Just like in previous years we have visited this place once again. However, this year there was a small change. We were here during good weather (that was so my mummy couldn't swear and she could swim in the outdoor swimming pools :D ) But it was a big mistake in a way. Because it was really nice weather there were so many people here. You had to wait in queues everywhere. But it also had some benefits. Because you could not always ride the waterslides and run up the stairs we weren't as tired as in the last years.


In this waterpark, most of the rides use inflatable rings. This will be appreciated by all those who don't want to destroy their bathing suits or burn their butts :D Everyone can find their own thing here. Mild waterslides for those who are afraid but also extra steep ones for those who like the adrenaline.


Whoever still hasn't visited this waterpark I highly recommend it. With a little bit of advice. It is really better to go in the worse weather. At least in August. :)

Cheers Loves!

For Czech People

Streda 8. 8. 2018

Dnesni den byl velice narocny. Jeli jsme do blizke vesnice jmenem Pasohlavky. Zde se nachazi obrovsky aquapark: Aqualand Moravia. Stejne jako v predchozich letech jsme toho misto opet navstivili. Avsak letos byla mala zmena. Jeli jsme sem za hezkoho pocasi (aby maminka nenadavala a mohla se koupat ve venkovnich plaveckych bazenech :D ) Avsak to byla velka chyba. Diky tomu, ze bylo opravdu krasne pocasi, tu bylo strasne moc lidi. Na vsechno byly fronty. Ma to ale take sve klady. Diky tomu, ze jsme nemohli porad jezdit na toboganech a behat do schodu, tak nejsme zase tolik unaveni.


V tomto aquaparku se z vetsi casti jezdi v kruzich. Coz oceni vsichni kdo si nechteji znicit plavky anebo spalit zadek :D Vsichni si zde najdou to svoj. Jak mirne tobogany pro ty co se boji tak i extra prudke pro ty co maji radi adrenalin.

Kdo tento aquapark jeste nenavstivil, vrele ho doporucuji. Ale s malou radou. Opravdu je lepsi sem jet za horsiho pocasi. Aspon v Srpnu :)

Poznamka, steemit se mnou nejak nespolupracuje dneska a jediny zpusob jak udelat aby spolupracoval bylo dat pryc diakritiku

A ted alou na kute!

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Hmm, ten aquapark vypadá hodně dobře...

S bráchou a tátou ho máme radši než ten v Praze :) i venku jsou nějaké atrakce, i animační programy. A stále přidávají další a další bazény. Dokonce teď od loňska (či předloňska) přidělali dva termální. Mají oba 37°. To až pálilo, když do toho člověk vlezl (hlavně když je spálený :D). Když se vylezlo ven, až tak příjemně mu nebylo, ale aspoň se zchladil.