Virgin Post - Redemption Please!

in blog •  7 years ago 

Bless me All That Is, for I have sinned.

For several years I have neglected to deploy one of the most glorious gifts you have bestowed upon me in abundance. You know what I'm talking about: writing. Please forgive me for my negligence.

The truth is -- and I swear by my eternal honor, such as it is -- that I have been sitting on the fence, and not in my usual cocky, boyishly charming way, not in the way that taunts both sides, strokes their egos and pretty much plays them off against each other with a brilliant cunning that all men envy and all women desire...

--- or something like that. I think you get what I'm getting at.

No, I've not been living up to my Mercurial, communicative self these past couple of years. I've been sitting atop the fence paralyzed with... fear? ... shock? ... disbelief?... at just how incredibly fucked up and dangerous both sides have become.

Well, that's not exactly accurate. I have always known that OUR side (which I'm almost certain that our side comprises a vast majority of humanity) is the right one, and that is to say, no side. The side that wants to tear down all the fences and have a big-ass community shindig every weekend, complete with clowns, balloons, and a band that rocks to the moon and beyond. These past couple of years, I've had to re-evaluate everything. Such a state is not conducive to good writing. When one writes, one must know both where one stands and where to turn the megaphone.

I think I've finally figured those things out. I think I'm finally ready to say my Hail Marys and Our Fathers and redeem myself and get on the right path, the path that says I'm a goddamn writer and I'd better goddamn well write.

That is what I will be doing here at Steemit, and apparently I get paid REAL (read: crypto, not some Monopoly banker) money if people dig it. So I hope you dig it. But if you don't that's fine. Maybe somebody will, like, 150 years from now. Apparently this thing runs on a blockchain which means it should be around for quite a while, much longer than your average 1995-style "website" (albeit written in Javascirpt, not PERL). I mean, at least that's my understanding: that this all gets written to a blockchain. If so, that's really cool, and I'm grateful and happy to be a part of it.

So y'all come back now, ya hear! I'm gonna be writing about all kinds of things that will thrill and delight you and sometimes piss you the fuck off. It's gonna be great!

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I think you have some Dogma to work
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Dog something

I think you have some Dogma to work
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