ReactJS - Starting React Environment

in blog •  6 years ago 

I want to teach you all how to start the ReactJS Environment. Before I go into the teaching there are things that must be done first.

Also you must have basic knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

  • You must have installed the latest nodeJS on you local machine / computer, you can get that here to get the one specifically for your computer / local machine
  • The next thing you need to have installed on your device is the git terminal developed by github and you can get that herewhich is specifically for your device
  • The next thing you need to have installed on your device is a code editor and there are a lot of code editors but I would recommend downloading any of these three editors (Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime Text 3) and you can get VS Code herechoose your device type. Sublime Text 3 here Atom here

Install all softwares!!!

Now you are Ready!


Now I need you to get to your machine and open up the git you just installed and type the following commands.

  • npm install
  • This will automatically install all package that would be needed to work with reactJS
  • npm install create-react-app
  • This will automatically install all package that would be needed to work with reactJS from you local machine
  • create-react-app my-app
  • The my-app is a folder that would be created containing all ReactJS dependencies and everything you would be working with. You can name this folder any name you like.
  • cd my-app
  • The cd command lets you move into the folder that was just created
  • npm start
  • By running this code you are now starting the React Environment through a Developmental Server.
  • Go ahead and Start editing the App.js file
  • Also you React Environment should look like this


Now before you run the create-react-app my-app, you must first create a folder on you desktop or anywhere you would like then run the create-react-app my-app on that folder.

How you guys Enjoyed this teaching. Enjoy Hacking!!!

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