Hello Steemians,
welcome to the daily riddle #22! We want to combine steemit.com and steam.com, so you can win one steam game everyday.
Solve the riddle and grab the random steam game code.
- everyday a random Steam code is posted
- one digit is left blank (indicated by "?")
- if there are more than one "?" the digit is the same
- the blank digit is a number between 0-9
- guess the correct number first by activating it in your Steam account to get the free game
- post in the comments which game you won
Today's code: XPQM?-LF?6?-RYCGH
Ps. Good luck and please upvote and resteem for support!
yours @dailysteamcodes
№8 Wyatt Derp 2: Peacekeeper
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