They all have family, why do not you?

in blog •  7 years ago 

When I was drinking, I swore to myself: never to marry before 30, who is a complicated woman and then married to lose her freedom ...

But today they are racing to send invitations!

Looking at the wedding couple is also very bright heart, want to get married and right now but to reflect on the moment.

It is okay for a man to marry a wife, but it is a mistake for a wife and a child.

Get married:

➢ As a man attaches himself to the two words RESPONSIBILITY.

➢ It was when they made PROMISES to their wives from the time they were in love.

➢ It was when they were strong enough to be the PILLARS of the house they built with all their might.

➢ As they prove to the world that they are not inferior to anything else: FAMILY, JOB, MONEY ...

Like a clock, it is not easy to be "married" to a suitable person. To be eligible, same style and have love big enough, they both belong together.

Must not you ???

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Ready for marry. But no "Suitable , Mature, Lovely" girl available. 😂😂