How environment will be damaged by our negative habits.

in blog •  7 years ago 

There have been many warnings at an alarming rate on how devastating our environment is going to be in future. Many pieces of evidence say our ecosystem will be jeopardized by the nature of humankind living on the earth. Many things we do today affects tomorrow, which we know already. However, why we can’t transform our character towards the planet earth.

The systems that are detrimental to the environment are deforestation, climate change, declining fresh water, human population growth and various species extinction. Due to warning from several scientists from different countries across the world made a significant change in some areas with the help of political leaders. These are actually needed for every single country around the world as the planet has been damaged by the systems.

Establishing more terrestrial and marine reserves, strengthening enforcement of anti-poaching laws and restraints on wildlife trade, expanding family planning and educational programs for women, promoting a dietary shift toward plant-based foods and massively adopting renewable energy and other "green" technologies. Source

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Besides this, more emissions, which have never been seen, has been recorded this year. Whether government needs to take care of this or the purpose of individual to confront the issue is the question. Everyone has to be involved in this prevailing situation.

Global carbon emissions are on the rise again in 2017 after three years of little to no growth. Global emissions from all human activities will reach 41 billion tons in 2017, following a projected 2 percent rise in burning fossil fuels. It was hoped that emissions might soon reach their peak after three stable years. Source

Some measures such as avoiding fossil fuel consumption, at least reducing can help massively to the environment. Get habituated with the renewable energy resources. Try to change everything at your home with energy-efficient products, such as regular lights with LED. Try to eat food that has been harvested locally. There are many pieces of evidence that support transportation of food alone causes a significant percentage of emissions. Habituate the process of reusing and recycling; it helps the environment, which in turn helps us back.

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A good post, thanks for sharing as you are offering healthy ways out of our disconnected minds!

You said "Many pieces of evidence say our ecosystem will be jeopardized by the nature of humankind living on the earth". Your post helps to create erosion against that position. When it comes to the nature of human kind, I strongly believe it is in our nature to be one with the Earth and by believing ourselves not to, we disconnect ourselves from the Earth but, more importantly, from ourselves humans. Thus, we put ourselves in a position as if we were apart from the Earth. This is very unfortunate and detrimental to us and all life forms on our planet. Humans have lived on this planet for a long time, a minimum of 70 000 years. Yet, it is mostly because of the passed little while that we are seeing ourselves moving toward destruction. Like a little 3 year old kid not knowing how to behave, the mainstream culture of our planet is holding on to guns and playing cowboy with anyone and everyone not wanting to go its way. On the other hand, the cultures still surviving and enduring this madness are like 70 year old people with all the knowledge in the world to make it possible for all of humanity to not only survive, but thrive on this planet.

What are we to do, keep on arrogantly trudging forward or start the ways human being have lived with the Earth since time immemorial allowing life to endure and even thrive too?

Thanks also for another occasion to share on this topic. Namaste :)

Hey really loved your blog ! I just following you ! Wish you same back

Post of the friend @dcrypto.

Hi @dcrypto

Just started following you. I just joined the steemit community. Looking to make friends here. I hope to stay in touch with you. If you have time, come visit my blog, and upvote me, I'll really appreciate that.


The term "food miles" is the distance from producer to consumer. Since the era of globalization, these food miles have seen a huge increase. What's the issue with that? Well, most transported goods are through ship or air freight. Most foodstuffs with short shelf lives like some fresh fruits exclusively use plane for long haul freights. This encourages even more fossil fuel use. The solution, buying local goods (which you already mentioned) seems like a small thing to do, but reduces these food miles and emissions significantly. I understand that some foodstuffs may not be able to be grown in the area you reside in (I live in the UK, so no exotic fruits grow naturally) but certain seasonal goods should be bought locally when possible. I try to keep my sources of food local, but it can be easier said than done sometimes

We already experience the consequences of environmental damage and perhaps the most notorious is the global climate change. Urgent actions are necessary to restore the balance of the ecosystem

This is very true, and very sad. Unfortunately most people don't realize it. But what is even wors is that people who realize it just isn't doing anything about it.

Really why can not we transform our characters towards the planet earth.Today while returning from morning walk an incident shocked me.Two ladies came along the road holding garbages carrying from home.Reaching near the municipality dustbin they threw their garbages outside the dustbin.This behaviour shocked me totally.Do they throw garbage inside their house.?

we need to change globally thinkin and behaviours and i doubt that will happen with the involvement with vested interests and money to make problems 'go away' as they seem too these days.

Dear @dcrypto please give ur id or any other means wanna talk to u....

people dont realize it :(
we are destroying our valuable asset