Will artificial intelligence supersede human brain?

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

My grandfather used to take a Horse-drawn vehicle whenever he wants to get to any place. Eventually, with the evolution of technology, significant changes have happened, which made horse vehicle to go obsolete. I took the ride once or thrice in my whole life not to get to work or school but to experience the ride. I am sure that everyone rides a horse for such small experiences. This made us clear that the kind of traditional transportation has vanished with the arrival of cars, buses and so on.

It seems to be a positive development. But what if this artificial intelligence makes our jobs obsolete. There is a chance that with the proliferation of technology such as automation will eventually supersede many professions around the world. 

Robots are likely to replace 50 percent of all jobs in the next decade, according to Kai-Fu Lee, founder of venture capital firm Innovation Ventures and a top voice on tech in China. [Source](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/27/kai-fu-lee-robots-will-replace-half-of-all-jobs.htm

[Image Source Same as Above] 

We must approve that artificial intelligence can outperform various tasks that humans could take much time to do that precisely. The capability of the human brain has been understood by the researchers. So they have developed a synapse which is capable of stimulating the basic trait of human nervous system. 

One of the greatest challenges facing artificial intelligence development is understanding the human brain and figuring out how to mimic it. Now, one group reports in ACS Nano that they have developed an artificial synapse capable of simulating a fundamental function of our nervous system. [Source](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170628095814.html).

There are so many possibilities that our jobs are being replaced by the artificial intelligence. However, the answer to the question would be if there has too many AIs all over the world, there have to be many human brains who has to develop them. We may not know how technology is going to change in future. For instance, people did not know the fact that so-called an automobile industry would appear in our lives. But the development of the industry gave an opportunity to many people in order to improve their career in an unprecedented way.  

We will look forward to the positive development of the technology such as artificial intelligence that would rather help people than built as a detriment to our careers.  

`I am trying to keep source but there is something wrong with markdown styling. I will try to change this ASAP`  

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It's not a netter of my if but when. How long will it take for ai to take over the world! Lol

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Judging from the robots that's surrounding me I really couldn't give a shit. :)


This thread drew all the bots out of the woodworks for some strange reason. LMAO.

Nice post!

nice one

informative post. Thanks for sharing us @dcrypto

AI superceeds the Human Brain because IoT, Big Data etc are the data source of this Higher Level Machines, human brain taps it's data from 5 sources- what is sees through the eye, what it hears through the Ears, What its feels with the Skin, what it Tastes and What it smells through the Nose.

Five data source in comparison to Gazillions Data source is Nothing!

Of course it will. I went to a reliability training and one of the engineers said the less he can rely on humans to make decisions the better. He pretty much said it never fails when he gives one of his workers the option to make a choice it's always the wrong one.