Warehouse Dating
Well, the Easter holiday is over for all but the school children. In my country, they have two more weeks off. Let's hope it stops raining soon.
I am sad today as my Artstorm Contest that I enjoy running so much is in real danger now. I have enough saved for prizes for the next 4 days but next week looks like a 'no no'.
A massive 'thank you' to @organduo for his upvotes. You have been the main factor in Artstorm being able to limp on for so long.
The upvotes on my posts are dwindling so much. I have lots of followers (1231 today's count) but they are mainly low rep so their upvotes don't have much value. The few high rep followers that I have adjust their sliders so low their upvote is worth less than the low-reppers.
So, now what do I do? I want Artstorm to continue as it makes another post opportunity for people and it provides a window for the entrant's art.
I have two choices, as I see it. I can reduce the number of days per week that the contest is open or I can reduce the prizes. I don't want to give prizes worth what the contest post makes so there it is.
I remember the days when it was easy to earn prize money. On one special week, I earned 12 SBD! It seems those days won't come back for me :(
That's all today. I hope to see you again tomorrow!