Quick Movie Wrap-up: How to Talk to Girls at Parties (2017)

in blog •  7 years ago 

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I just finished watching this movie called "How to Talk to Girls at Parties". Where the theme isn't really about talking to girl at parties. Well, the lead actor did talk to girls at 'parties' for about 3 times, but that's not the point.

This is about the Punk movement decades ago and aliens who visited our planet.

This movie stars Elle Fanning picture above and 3 other guys (who I didn't bother researching). The 2 here are just supporting characters, the one in the middle is Elle's love interest and main character in this movie. His name is Enn.

I did mention aliens. Zan (Elle), is a member of an alien colony. There are 6 of them who's touring Earth. Zan is member of the Yellow colony. This movie lacks the CGI and proper visual effects so personally I think the portrayal of aliens came out weird but overall I like how the movie came out (except for some scenes).

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This story builds up until the 6 colonies became 7 colonies. Adding a green one that symbolizes the heart, or love.

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At the end of the story, this is a spoiler, the green colony (the big gem-like things are the parent-teachers, and each are one being | the children are the smaller specs revolving around the bigger ones) gave birth to children.

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That green parent-teacher is actually Zan (who was once a children of the yellow colony), who became a new colony for getting lots of alien violations (which are normal people experiences) on Earth. Enriching her individuality and learning what love is.

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Zan and Enn ended up together, and apparently Enn is the father of her children - but nowhere in the movie was there an intercourse between them (so either it was not shown or she got pregnant with feelings or kissing alone, it was also not explained).

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In the end, Zan had to choose between 2 great things: love or family (her colony/children). There was a twist at the end which I really like and find awesome.

The reviews about this movie are okay: from almost 50% to as high as almost 80% (on different websites). If you liked the movies Wayne's World or Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I think you would like this movie as well.

The only thing it was lacking was more budget to get more CGI and effects on it, although I don't know if they meant it to be shown this way.


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What a nice post, I've voted you! I also love to watch this Movie
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It's best to assume that she got pregnant with feelings. hahaha! thanks for the story telling, since I dont have much time to watch movies nowadays 😁

You should set aside 24 hours a day to watch movies @enjieneer! :D