The evidence of positivity on health is abundant including; a reduction in depression, greater wellbeing, lower stress, and even lower cardiovascular health risk. Whether you’ve decided you need a change for the better, or are on the look out for new ways to add positivity into your life: here are 5 tips for more daily positivity.
Begin each Day with a Positive Intention
If you don’t already have a positive affirmation statement, then take some time to create one. A positive affirmation statement is; anything you would like to create as a personal belief, or that inspires you. Some examples might be: ‘I am a strong and beautiful woman’, ‘I am a successful ‘I am living the life I love and deserve’, or one of my favorites, ‘I am worthy of It is literally a statement affirming you have what you want (sometimes even when you don’t quite feel like you have it). It can also be a simple self-affirming statement such as ‘I love myself’, or ‘I am happy with my body’. If you read back through some of these examples, you’ll notice that while simple, they are certainly powerful. Beginning your day with statements such as these, is a powerful and positive beginning to the day.
Remember your Intention Periodically Through the Day
Throughout the day, you want to remember your affirmation. Some ideas are to write it in places you will see it, set an alarm to periodically remind you, or place an object, such as a rock, in your pocket to remind you each time you feel it.
Engage in Uplifting Activities
Every day, do something for yourself that fills you up. A bath with a book, an exercise session or sport, or some social time with close friends. It can literally be anything that makes you feel positive. It doesn’t need to be grand, or time consuming, just something that fills you up and makes you feel relaxed and happy.
Act ‘as if’ (Fake it ’till you make it)
One of the keys to manifesting what you most desire is to live life as if it’s already happened. If you live with the feeling of already having what you really want in life, you create a positive energy in your life. You begin to notice things differently in your life and potentially create new opportunities leading you directly to what you most want. Have you ever bought a new car and suddenly noticed every other similar car on the road? You begin to notice opportunities as a result of living as if your dreams have already come true.
Go to Bed with Gratitude
Finally, when you lay your head down at the end of the day, give gratitude for all that you have. Give gratitude for your relationships, your material possessions, your freedom, and/or your ability to get through a day utilizing positive affirmations, engaging in fulfilling activities and acting as if all your dreams have already come true. Gratitude is another way of noticing all that you have and all that’s possible. Gratitude is the key to living a more fulfilling life.