Never Trust a System Error

in blog •  7 years ago 

Early this morning, I attempted to post an article. I received an error. I waited 5 minutes and tried again... and again... and again... C4AE7C86-822B-480B-A3FD-097C9840FA1F.jpeg

I ended up with 4 copies of the same article on my blog. Sorry about that!

The system errors I received led me to believe my submission had failed.

Here is today’s beauty.

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After seeing your 4 posts and getting a few of those together I put two and two together. Now I have to refresh everytime I post or comment to see if it actually went through ><

I think must of us are having problems with the system. I had to upvote you twice before It went through on this post. On some post I have tried to resteem and it does not show it but if I try again to resteem It say already done. I guess we just have to live with it. Have a nice day.

Sadly, I am at ZERO trust with any posting actions at the moment. I have my profile page on steemd open in the adjacent tab and refresh that about once a minute to see whether my last action really "happened" or not. It works... BUT IT SHOULDN'T BE NECESSARY!