RE: Our Child Is Being Put On The Child Protection Services List Because We Refuse To Send Her To School....What is Freedom...Are We Free?

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Our Child Is Being Put On The Child Protection Services List Because We Refuse To Send Her To School....What is Freedom...Are We Free?

in blog •  8 years ago 

I certainly sympathize with your dilemma. Here in the United States more and more people are choosing to home school their children for many of the same reasons you discuss. The education system can kill the spirit of a child in their effort to make them obedient clones. Most teachers are more concerned with an orderly quiet classroom than they are with educating children. If we could only convince teachers to teach our children HOW to think rather than WHAT to think it would be a step in the right direction.

In the U.S. we have our own set of problems. The new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVoss has chosen to defund public education and use the money to create Charter schools. This may not be a bad idea on its surface but she wants everyone to have a christian education. This should be a choice. We may be facing freedom issues of our own in the very near future. More and more Americans my opt for home schooling.

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I went to public school. The only thing I learned was how to properly socialize, make friends and get drunk. Out of all of my teachers, maybe 2 were actually intelligent and able to pass on information. It was pitiful. If I had kids, I'd never put them into a public school.