Happy Wine Trail Wednesday! The Thirsty Owl, Cayuga Lake NY (Feat. 'Mama Dreemit')

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

It's been many moons since I posted about one of my favorite activities in the Finger Lakes, and since Fall has finally arrived it seemed the perfect time to resume my trek along the wine trails with Mama Dreemit.

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It was a bit of a dreary day- what better time to lift our spirits with a little wine? Soon the leaves will be putting on their colorful gowns and I'll be sure to capture some beautiful scenery and sunshine, but I have to say that the clouds were pretty freaking cool-

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I love how the sun peeked out just enough to reflect gold off the bushes.

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And how the sky added to the All Hallow's Eve decor.

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In the summer I like to play 'spot the tourist', but as the school year commences the crowd thins and I generally see more of the local populace.

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It's a really appealing set up in here. Wineries in this area have a gift shop feel to them, but not in an overpriced negative way. It's more that you get a sense of being on vacation every time you go.

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Did I mention the All Hallow's feel apparently includes ghosts?

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Spooky ;)

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Shaking it off... Oh look Bistro! There is something lovely about the word 'Bistro'.

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It tends to inspire images of gourmet food to dance through my head.

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Despite the greyness of the day, the beautiful temperature had us choosing the outside deck with it's lovely view of the vineyard- and usually a spectacular view of the lake. But water reflects sky so grey it is.

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And of course since I intended to make this post, we got to behave like tourists and take pictures with 'Thirsty'.

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Isn't Mama Dreemit lovely and cute?

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Though I have no photo evidence, we did eat and drink! A veggie wrap filled with local produce and wine sauce for me and a Ham and Gruyere cheese panini for mom with two glasses of their 2016 Vidal Blanc- everything was delicious-- I'm sorry peeps, especially all the foodies out there, but I got distracted and completely forgot to take pictures of it. It won't happen again.

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After food we took one last perusal of the place. Mom was particularly enamored with the art they made of their placing ribbons.

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All in all I give the Thirsty Owl two thumbs up for great food, great wine, great service (really friendly staff) topped off with a great view. Great Job guys! ;)



So if you're ever in the Finger Lakes, be sure to check these guys out! https://www.thirstyowl.com/

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I must say that the McLaughlin gals are looking especially lovely! And, that's not the wine talking haha! Nice to see Mama Dreemit up and about. She looks particularly relaxed. When you mentioned a Mama Dreemit appearance, I never expected the even more rarer Dreemit appearance!

Aw, thanks ;) It is rare- more special that way :)

Sometimes playing tourist is fun XD (and great blog fodder XP)

We like the outdoor tables too usually :) I think it's pretty cool that you two go out and do stuff together.

That was an special day to remember forever beautiful shots to discover and Mama Dreemit looking so pretty :D

Mama Dreemit is looking awesome! And I was very impressed with the collection of awards.

She is definitely getting the hang of a foot loose and fancy free life. Of course she misses my dad, but she is making up for lost time from the last several years of being confined by his illness- she's out and about as much as a teenager ;)

Excellent! Good for her!

That's a great name for a place! It looks hella cool inside as well. The kind of place I would love to visit! Obvs I would get smashed and end up fighting with trees outside but its all part of the colour.

Mama Dreemit is looking very well!

The kind of place you WILL visit when you get your booty and your wife's bahookie to the states- oh the drunken wine- and beer- tours we will have!

She is :)

Ah the good times. The times where I am not operating on the ragged end of no sleep!! I look forward to them!

At least they still have wine in the afterlife.

True...but they better have beer too or I'll be wondering which place I landed in ;)

In two weeks, Canada is legalizing heaven, if you know what I mean.

On a country wide level? Dude, that's awesome. One of the things I loved best about the west coast was the heavenly shops along the way--

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Each province will have their own set of rules but nobody will be going to jail anymore. Most likely the police will focus more on impaired drivers and collect their money that way now, along with sales tax. It'll much like how they handle alcohol and tobacco here. Sure, it's legal, but if you lit up a cigarette inside of a building, you'd be paying fines. Can't walk along and drink a beer. Things like that.
