How You Can Use The Moon Calendar to Achieve Your Goals

in blog •  6 years ago 


Today the Pink moon, which represents rebirth and growth. This full Moon invites us to be conscious of our deepest desires and will be at its peak around 9pm. Following the moon cycles is what I have found to be the simplest way to break down large goals and consciously track my progress. Astrologers believe that our energy begins to build at the new moon (a time to ask/manifest), then peaks two weeks later at the full moon (a time to release/receive). In many cultures, farmers have planted by the new moon and harvested by the full moon. In this blog you will learn the steps to create a “moonfest” ritual of your own.

Our journey begins on the New Moon when the sky is a black canvas, which is why it’s the perfect time to kick off a new project or idea. Create a dream board and lay a foundation for what you want to manifest. Set intentions, reach out to experts in your field, this is a time for new beginnings, a time to ask and manifest.


Full moons are times of completion, a time to release all that doesn't serve you anymore, maybe it’s the past that you want to release, maybe it’s fear of the future or thoughts and ideas that your having today. This is also the time to reap what you sow, in other words gather your hard work, your progress and experience and make space to begin something new. Full moons are like cosmic spotlights, they can be illuminating and provide us the nourishment we need in body, mind and spirit. Everything comes out into the open in the light of the full moon including our shadowy places but you are fearless and deserve to achieve every goal you set for yourself.


The moon phases are important periods for Healers worldwide, some gather in groups to practice Meditation while others benefit from connecting with the earth and moon energies as an individual practice. The moon symbolizes the mind & emotions and is one of the most influential heavenly bodies that affects all people on earth. During a full moon, everything becomes magnified (good and bad). Therefore the full moon can be both viewed as a time of crisis as well as a time of opportunity. It depends on who you are and where you are in life.

Spiritual practitioners, use the magnifying effects of the moon to deepen their spiritual practice and meditation to serve humanity. The effects of the full/new moon last 5 days, the day of the moon, as well as two days before and 2 days after. Some use this time for fasting which purifies the body and prepares you for all that is to come.This is a time of increasing spiritual awareness and global consciousness.


Create Your Own Moonfest Ritual
All rituals govern your inner transformation in a ceremonial way. You are showing yourself and the Universe that you are ready to let go for the new you to emerge, like shedding your skin. Moonfest rituals make way for new magical opportunities to come to you.

Using the elements:

Earth, grounds you in the present
Air, loves to analyze and honors forgiveness
Fire, consumes and burns away the old
Water, cleanses and washes away
What you need:

Pen, in any colours
Paper of any kind
Bowls x2
Smudge (optional)

If possible go outside under the sky, this is called a “moon bath” and connects you directly with Mother Nature and the Moon’s energies. If you cannot be outside, find a quiet place indoors, often in the winter I take a bath in the tub with herbs and other items I feel drawn to at the time (salts, oatmeal, flowers, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, clay, ect).


Clear your energy by using some smudging herbs and allow all negative and non-serving energies to fade away. Create a sacred space by placing a candle and other special items around you like crystals. Light the candle, and fill one of your bowls with water, then place both in front of you. Take a few deep breaths, to ground yourself in the moment and then begin to write what you wish to receive/release from your life. Consider limiting beliefs you want to be free from, habits that no longer serve you and anything else you want to let go of.


Place one corner of the piece of paper over the candle allowing the flame to light your page, then throw the page into the empty bowl and let it burn. Watch the flames consume what you are releasing, the smoke takes your intentions to the Universe. Only when you are willing to let go will the page burn – the faster the flames, the more willing you are to let it go. Wash your hands in the bowl of water and allow inspiration to flow.


Use your intuition to guide you, you may not burn your page thats okay. You may want to jump into the ocean or take a shower to cleanse and contemplate, maybe you prefer to meditate on what to let go of instead of writing it down. Go with what works for you, its all about your intention so as long as your centered in why you are doing things in a certain way, you will see results.

Give it a try, It's a very freeing practice and healing for your health. Releasing the things in our lives that no longer serve us (addictions to food, drugs, or sex, suffering from hurtful relationships, physical and emotional pains) is a necessary component to living your best life. Its equally important to set intentions for the things you do want, decisions are powerful so taking the time to bring forth the things you want into the physical world, breathes life into these intentions you want to set for yourself and helps you to prioritize and focus on your desired outcomes. These rituals make the transformation process comfortable and can be fun as you begin to manifest your desires.


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Disclosure, there is a lot of science behind what im talking about it's not all theory and opinion however I am not a scientist, a doctor or perfect - what I am sharing with you is what I am doing, what is working for me now and my recommendations are based on my current experience and knowledge.

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