#25 Fear the duck...

in blog •  6 years ago 


When I went in for my check-up the doctor made this sound and I just knew something was wrong. He showed me the blood in my uterus and said it was a sign of impending miscarriage and he gave me meds and told me to come back on Monday. He said it’s either an infection or a blood clot. I read up about clots and they’re called sub-chronic hematomas and basically it means you have a 50/50 chance of carrying full term depending on the size of the hematoma. Thing is, you’re supposed to take it easy and not lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk which is IMPOSSIBLE for me. How on earth do I do that with an infant who can’t crawl properly or walk? I’ve tried to cut down on carrying him around a lot and Greg and Stella are a big help, but they’re not here all the time. I have to pick him up now and then even when I try and just do stuff with him on the floor. Anyway, I’ll just wait and see what the doctor says on Monday. He said that hopefully the blood will just be reabsorbed and then things will be fine. So far it isn’t affecting the baby as it was the right size and had a strong heart beat. Guess we’ll just see. I do feel a bit like I’m in limbo, though, but at least I’m not feeling completely frazzled like I was that time before Jay. I feel like whatever is meant to happen will happen and even though I’ll be very sad if this new pregnancy ends, I know I’ll be able to move on and it won’t be quite as hard to get over as it was the first time.

My little man is getting so big. He started creeping forward for the first time this week. He kind of gets on his knees and then pushes with his toes and pushes his elbows forward and then slides forward. It’s so cute, but he does get frustrated now and then. He still loves his food and as I mentioned last time, his appetite seems to have gotten bigger because he eats a lot now and I have to leave out more prepared food for him. That being said, he has decided that he doesn’ t like pumpkin anymore and spits it out. He eats banana now, though, and loves his sweet potato, carrots, avo, apples and pears. When he eats cereal sometimes it’ll drip off the spoon and land on the little tray in front. If you don’t notice straight away and wipe it up, his favorite thing is to put his fingers in it and swirl it all around. Yuck! He does the same when he vomits on the mats in his room and you don’t realise soon enough. It’s pretty gross. This week for the first time he ate a cookie all by himself. Usually we can give it to him and he puts it in his mouth once or twice, but then he just plays with it or it drops out his mouth and he just leaves it. This time he actually held it, had some and took it out and then brought it up for a second bite (I say bite, but it’s more like a “gum”) and so on.

If you go to this one store that I always go to on a Sunday with Annie and spend over a certain amount of money, you can choose a small free gift. This week I got a new baby bag and last week I got this hand sponge shaped like a duck and a shower cap. Well, he has decided that he hates them! I don’t know why, but he is so scared of that duck. I took it out and tried to make him like it, but he just turned his head away and started crying. Then I put it on the tray of his walker and he immediately got this shocked expression on his face and raised his hands and pulled his body away from it and started crying again. So we’ve decided that he is definitely scared of the duck for some reason and have put it away and maybe will bring it out later when he is a little older and not scared of it.

These days he loves his teething rings, too. He never used to be interested in them for chewing. He’d play with them, but he wouldn’t really chew on them. Now he is all about chewing on them, so maybe he really is teething now. Still not one tooth yet and he turns 7 months old soon. He is out with Greg now buying some lunch. Greg figures the ride in the stroller will put him to sleep and it’ll give me a break because I’m way too nauseas to deal with him right now. He also loves screaming at the top of his voice. Not in anger, just for the sake of screaming. He’ll try and find the highest pitch possible, too, and scream and scream. He loves doing it and often does it when he is happy about something.

Short and sweet this time! I think I'm just feeling too bad to say too much...

Lots of love

Em x

(snippets from January 2010)

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