#26 HG again...

in blog •  6 years ago 


Well, it looks like HG (hyperemesis gravidarum) has reared its ugly head again. I am SO ill. Honestly, I just can’t wait for this part to be over. It seems that on average I’m puking about 5 times a day, but there are days it’s even worse than that and when it happens during the night it’s terrible. Usually that’s when I manage to switch off and relax until the morning, but on odd occasions I am conscious of being nauseas the entire time even in my dreams. Then when I wake up I just know what’s coming and have to rush off to the bathroom in the middle of the night. That’s the worst because when you wake up the next morning, you’re still nauseas and you know there is absolutely nothing left in your stomach so it really hurts when you start puking again.

I just have to keep reminding myself that there is an end in sight. The doctor said that if I find that I can’t keep any food or water down, that I have to go in to the hospital right away again. I’m not at that point yet and hopefully it won’t get that bad. Usually at least once a day I manage to eat something and keep it from coming back up again.

The good news, of course, is that the baby seems fine and the doctor said the amount of blood was now “insignificant” and he said he was sure that I no longer had to worry. Then he measured the baby and worked out that it was measuring a week ahead which prompted him to say that I was having “another giant”. Haha! He also showed me where the placenta was busy forming which was kind of cool. Actually when he did the ultrasound the baby was moving around a lot and the doctor said it was “waving” at me.

So far I’ve managed not to pick Jay up either. I just play with him on the bed and move him from there to the stroller when I need to get other things or feed him. Sometimes at night when Stella leaves and Greg is yet to arrive I lie down with him on the floor and play with him for a bit. Stella has come in a few extra hours this week which has helped and of course I don’t know what I’d do without Greg.

Jay went for his check up on Friday and he now weighs almost 9kg (which isn’t much of a gain) and is 72cm tall. The doctor said he seemed very healthy and he was given his third pneumonia vaccination. He hardly even cried.

Speaking of crying, he fell off the bed again. We have something on my side of the bed to prevent him rolling off at night, but if I need to go to the bathroom or something we usually plonk him right in the center of the bed so he can roll over without falling off. It’s always worked! The other morning I did the same thing and quickly peed. As I walked out I saw that he’d rolled right to the edge of the bed and I wasn’t able to get there fast enough to stop him sliding off in time. However, he seemed aware of what was happening and landed on his arm and not his head. He was fine though and hardly cried at all – even less than he does for his vaccines. He wasn’t hurt and so I wasn’t too concerned. He is quite a big boy compared to when it happened that first time.

Now when he sits and plays by his gymboree (that bear toy), he always tries to pull himself up and when you help him he just stands there looking ever so pleased with himself. As I mentioned last time, he is creeping forward now and he sure can move!

Anyway, I’m going to have to cut things short. I just puked and I’ve noticed that the first 10 minutes afterward are when I feel the best. If I can fall asleep in that time, it would be so good!

Lots of love

Em x

(snippets from January 2010)

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