#28 Powering through

in blog •  6 years ago 


Well, the week started off pretty badly, but ended okay. I started spotting on Sunday and again on Monday evening and of course it was rather worrying. I went to the doctor on Tuesday morning. Greg doesn’t go to work early on Tuesdays so he could watch Jay for me. I had stopped bleeding by then, but still wanted to know what was going on and if everything was alright. He did an ultrasound and said that the baby was fine and in the end he wasn’t sure why it had happened, but for a change he didn’t mention “possible impending miscarriage” which made me feel a bit better.

My guess is that I overdid it on the Saturday night when I went to Annie’s. She helped me pick up Jay, but I folded up the stroller and put it in the the back seat of the car and then lifted it out again and we still had the trip back. I didn’t think it was that heavy (Greg wasn’t there to help me), but I’m pretty sure that caused me to bleed. Good thing I’m following doctor’s orders and haven’t picked Jay up at all. Now I know to be extra, extra careful. I’ve read that I shouldn't pick up anything heavier than a gallon of milk which rules out quite a bit.

I did have a lovely night with Annie. I even managed to eat a little something. We watched a movie and then chatted. Jay started acting a little strange that night, though. He must be going through a new stage. He knows Annie and her mom and is usually so comfortable with them, but he just wanted his mommy all night and would bawl until I held him. Later I needed to go to the bathroom so Annie held him and when I came out she and her mom were playing with him. He was absolutely fine until he saw me and then he started up again.

He is so cute, though, and becoming more and more like a little boy every day. At the moment I’ve noticed a decrease in his appetite, like food doesn’t really interest him. I’ve read that that’s quite normal at this stage because he is too busy learning other new things. And, he suddenly won’t eat his carrots or apples. Before he loved them, but just this week he changed his mind. He has started eating pumpkin again, though.

He still wants to stand all the time. I’m not sure if he is babbling, but I feel like I am hearing more sounds now. No words yet, though. He loves it if he gets to hold the pictures on his wall (they’re plastic). The other day he was staring intently and kept bringing his head in closer then moving further away. I thought he was just studying the picture, but then I saw that he was actually studying his reflection. I looked for a baby mirror for him, but so far haven’t found one at the baby stores I’ve been to. He recognizes his name now and when you call him he looks up at you. He also definitely knows who we are. Yesterday we were out at a bookstore. Greg was upstairs with Jay and I was downstairs paying for some books. The railing is just glass and Jay was in the stroller. Greg called to me and I looked up, but then he pointed at me and when Jay saw me his whole face just lit up. It was so precious.

This week my morning sickness has been bad, peaking first thing in the morning and last thing at night, although a few times this week I really thought I’d puke at work. The nausea is mostly constant and I feel like I live from hour to hour just hoping for the feeling to pass and to keep any food down.

And on that note, let me be off.

Lots of love

Em x

(snippets from February 2010)

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