#30 Week Off

in blog •  6 years ago 


I’m going to have to try and write this one quickly. Greg is at work today which means I'm on baby duty and I’m still so sick I couldn’t face getting up early. Everything is more difficult now with being sick and also not being able to pick him up. Right now he is in his walker so I’ll quickly write this paragraph and check on him, then maybe write another and see how it goes. I used to be able to just bring him to the study if he fell asleep and then type with him in my arms, but now if he falls asleep while we’re in the baby room I have to just sit there with him because I can’t pick him up and carry him. I also can’t put him down or he wakes up immediately and starts crying. Ever since his cold he has been even more demanding in terms of that.

I wish I could tell you that I feel better, but despite this week being a holiday I actually had a pretty bad time of it. As you know, the week started badly when I spent Saturday night puking and Sunday morning in the hospital. Then it was Jay’s turn – being sick, but not puking thankfully. At least I can say that he is loads better. He had a terrible cough and sounded awful until around Wednesday when I noticed an improvement and it seemed that his cough was a little looser. Now he still coughs, but it’s not very often and it doesn’t sound nearly as bad when he does. He also has his energy back and is playing and doing everything he usually does.

I, on the other hand, have still been nauseas a lot and puking so much. Actually when I read over my pregnancy diary with Jay, it’s worse this time around. Last time after the first 3 months it had eased off a little and although I was still nauseas quite a bit, I only vomited around once or twice a day after that. Yesterday I still vomited eight times which was horrible. I felt terrible all day long, but was determined not to go to the ER again. Luckily it’s eased off a bit today and I’ve only puked once this morning so far. I just wish it would stop already. I’m so tired of feeling this way and it makes everything that much more difficult. I’m dreading going back to work on Monday simply because I don’t want to teach a class while nauseas, but at the same time I really can’t afford this holiday to last much longer money-wise.

Jay got two red envelopes for Chinese New Year - one from Queenie and one from Annie. It was so kind of them. I took a couple of photos of him with the red envelopes and made thank you cards for them. I also put the money with Jay’s special money. This week we actually used some of his money, though, because we bought special railings that go on either side of the bed so he can’t fall out. It’s great because now if I need to go to the bathroom I can just leave him there and he can’t go anywhere. He likes to pull himself up and stand holding on to the edge and loves to get close to Greg’s or my side table and then grab everything within his reach. Then, of course, everything always ends up lying on the floor. Speaking of walking, though, he is getting really good at holding on to your fingers and walking along. If he comes across something interesting, he lets go with one hand to touch it and is a little wobbly at first, but can usually manage to hold on.

He got a lovely new toy this week because we had to buy more formula. If we buy four cans at once we get a really nice gift. This one is like this little box and you put the shapes in through the outside. When you get it right, the whole thing lights up and plays a little tune. There is a mirror on one side that he loves to “kiss” and then there are these things for him to turn, spin, push and move. It’s like a little activity center and he loves it.

I haven’t noticed any new teeth coming, but he does keep sticking his tongue out the side and chewing it so I’m not sure if it’s due to teething or if he is just getting a “feel” for the new teeth he already has. He looks so funny when he does it, though.

Lots of love

Em x

(snippets from February 2010)

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