#35 Such a busy boy!

in blog •  6 years ago 


Well, it’s early(ish) on a Saturday morning and after lying in bed trying to fall asleep for over an hour, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that it’s not going to happen. The same thing happened when I was pregnant with Jay. I’d be tired, but just wake up early for no reason and then not be able to fall back to sleep even when the opportunity presented itself. Greg and Jay are still asleep and I think that Jay will still sleep for another hour or so, so I’m hoping that gives me enough time to write to you.

I still feel as though I’m walking along with the last tendrils of morning sickness wrapped firmly around me. I’ve passed the darkest part of it, but it’s still there lingering on and I wish that it would finally leave for good. Last week I managed not to vomit at all even though I still struggled with the nausea at times. This week, I ended up puking on Tuesday night and I hate it when that happens because it’s almost like it sets something in motion and then I’m nauseas for quite a while afterwards and keep feeling like I may puke again. Each time I woke up to pee that night I thought I’d puke again and then finally did on Wednesday morning. Then I started worrying that I wasn’t going to be able to stop again, but once I’d forced myself to eat a quarter muffin and had a cup of tea I started to feel better and that hasn’t happened since. As I said, the nausea comes and goes, but I’m really hoping that now that it’s around 5 months it stops for good.

So, the baby is STILL keeping a secret from us! I’m sick of hearing the doctor say, “Maybe next week.” I’m actually doing my exercises that help the baby turn around because I want to know! Jay was in the right position from the get-go and only had that one week where he decided to check out his living quarters one last time and turned breech a few weeks before I was due. After a week of the exercises he turned around again, though. This one, however, has been breech from the beginning (which I believe is quite normal), but apparently just means it’s harder to tell the sex. At least my placenta is getting better and my heart palpitations have stopped. I’m still on antibiotics for a few more days and will remain on the iron. I went to the pharmacy to get some more and the lady there asked about the morning sickness. Anyway, I told her that I was much better, but she said that although my belly was big (seriously, I feel like I’m about 7 months already!) she said that she could see I’d lost a lot of weight and the teachers at school all say I’m so thin. I know it’s just a phase and only from the HG and that in no time at all I’ll be a roly poly pudding. So far with this pregnancy I feel like I’ve had more cravings. Now in the mornings I absolutely crave my tea and gulp it down in one shot. I’ll also suddenly crave things like Subway or a pie or something salty. I’ll eat sweet things, but it’s not what I crave and I can’t tell you when last I ate chocolate. The thought doesn’t make me feel sick, I just don’t feel much at all which is unusual for me and must definitely be pregnancy-related. Mostly I eat healthily and have also been craving grapefruits lately. They have these lovely ruby grapefruits at the new fruit stand near our apartment and I bought a whole bag and eat almost two every day!

The other day Greg joked with me and said that I’d been pregnant so much in the last two years that he’d forgotten what I look like when I'm not pregnant. Of course, he was very quick to add that I was a very, very beautiful pregnant woman! Ha! I told Katy what he’d said at school and it was funny because sometimes they just don’t understand our humor. She said (in all seriousness), “But he can look at a photograph.” Ha ha! Greg and I had a giggle at that one.

Greg worked last week which meant that I took care of Jay all day. Now I love my son to death, but boy is he a handful! I felt as though I got absolutely nothing done all day! When Greg got back later that night, without thinking he said, “So, what did you do to keep yourself busy all day?” I gave him a look and told him to cast his mind back to when he’d taken care of Jay alone and then to ask the question again. Mind you, he had the grace to look sheepish and said, “Point taken.”

He is getting so big now. I say that every week, but he just keeps on growing! We took him to the pediatrician on Tuesday and he now weighs 9 and a half kilograms and is 72cms tall. The doctor said that everything looked fine and he was healthy. He is still obsessed with trying to walk and likes you to walk with him. Of course it’s rather tiring and not too easy on one’s back. He still likes his walker, but would much rather be without it and sometimes tries to pull himself out of it. I don’t even bother with the stroller or high chair because he twists himself out so easily. His top front teeth are coming in and I can just see the point where they are coming through. His toys are everywhere! Our lives consist of toys, toys and more toys! The other night Greg got into bed and was immediately poked in the side by a toy crocodile and when we go to a restaurant the table becomes littered with his little toys. He hates blankets covering him and will kick them off even when it’s cold.

Okay, everyone is up, so it’s time for me to be off.

Lots of love

Em x

(snippets from March 2010)

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