#40 First Haircut

in blog •  6 years ago 


I’ve had another bout of bad morning sickness. Yes, at 6 months along. Considering the way that Murphy’s Law usually works, I suppose this shouldn’t be a surprise at all. I thought things were going so well in that department. I’d only been very slightly nauseas on the Monday and Tuesday and felt that I’d finally kicked things for sure. So, on Tuesday I did a little cleaning before I went to work and I cleaned our bedroom. I saw the bucket next to my side of the bed which I’d left there just in case (I’d had a few of those moments) and decided that it was time I put it away as I didn’t think I’d be needing it. Well, on Tuesday night before I fell asleep I was nauseas, but that was quite normal, so I didn’t think much of it and just tried to go to sleep. When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I still felt nauseas. I got up to go and make myself a cup of tea and something small to eat and as I got up I realized that I was going to puke for sure. I rushed to the bathroom and vomited quite a lot. Luckily I’d been out of bed or I don’t know where I would have puked what with the bucket being back in the bathroom. I’ve taken it out again and put it next to the bed. I wonder if it’s going to be there for the remainder of my pregnancy… I certainly hope not! I was also nauseas and vomited again on Friday morning. Good grief! I wish that my morning sickness was over for good, but at least how I feel now is NOTHING like how I felt in the beginning. To feel like that all the way through – oh man, I’d want to die.

Greg had to put down the level of the crib again the other day. It’s now at its lowest level because Jay really does try and climb out. He doesn’t realize that it’s quite a fall from the top if he does manage to vault over. Stella was getting really nervous about letting him nap there because she said he wouldn’t cry and wait for her to get to the room. He’d just stand up immediately and then start using the pillows that she puts next to his body (it comforts him and helps him nap for longer) and move them about and try and stand on them to lift himself higher with the aim of hoisting himself over. Well, we’ve finally put a stop to that and there is no way he can get out on his own now.

This week Jay has been just as active as ever, but he does seem to have grasped the concept of “no” a little better and when he gets close to the dog food and water and I say it, he stops dead in his tracks. Good boy! Now if Rocco is standing, he is constantly trying to get under him and it really confuses Rocco because he doesn’t know what is going on. I think Jay just wants to study his paws a little better, but it looks so funny watching him duck down to crawl under old Roc. The other night I was watching him while Greg was out walking the dogs and his comb was lying on the floor. I was also lying on the floor on my side and he took the comb and started combing my hair! It was the cutest thing.

On Thursday morning around 12ish, Greg called and asked if I wanted to go to the pool. The weather was lovely, so I got Jay ready and as soon as Greg got back we put on our bathing suits and got ready to go. It was so wonderful spending the day at the pool. Stella was arriving at 4pm and Greg and I both had to leave for work at 5pm so the timing was perfect. We all got to swim and spend time in the sun relaxing. Jay had a lovely time, too. He really seems to enjoy himself more each time we go.

I gave Jay his first haircut the other day. Stella has trimmed it before, but this time I had to cut quite a bit off. It was getting too long in the front and irritating him. It was also hanging over his ears so I trimmed it there, too. I did it while he was sleeping and it looks so funny and cute now. Stella says it makes him look like a 5-year-old. His new favorite for the week is standing at the bed railing and then removing whatever clothes or towels are hanging there (Greg often leaves his towel there to dry) and then swinging them back and forth. This is even more fun if one of the dogs is sleeping on the floor and he can touch them with it and sweep it over their bodies. Usually, he drops it at some point and the other night when Greg came into the room to fetch his towel so he could take a shower – it was draped over a sleeping Rocco! Lovely! He had to get a new one. He also loves to take Daddy’s helmet and spin it around and around on the walker. Then when it finally falls down, he looks at you to pick it up for him.

Okay, that’s all the news I’ve got for now. Greg is at work today. It sucks because it’s gorgeous out and we’d definitely be at the pool if he were off. Jay is drinking his bottle on my lap, but is getting awfully wiggly, so it’s time I said goodbye.

Lots of love
Em x

(snippets from May 2010)

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