The Intro (TFV)

in blog •  3 years ago 

Welcome to the Tamale Farmer's View(TFV) on TFV isn't exactly about farming but anything noteworthy in this universe and beyond. And beyond? What the beyond exactly entails can't be said for sure. All we can do now is to speculate with the hope of finding out one day for ourselves what lies after the endless end. This is a project that seeks to shed light on the happenings past, present and the future.

To be focused more about Ghana, West Africa, Africa, the other places spanning across topics including arts, history, languages, education, culture, business, climate change, politics, relationships, movies, technology, health and other spaces, the perspective from the TFV. Ideas may not be conventional and that the point not all agreed-upon ideas are in the best interest of mankind anyway, perhaps some ideas being expressed now have aged and are no longer relevant in today's day and age.

As it were, this blog does not have the power to change the world, to change human, to change your view but to reason with you on issues that are important, fun and cool to think about. The hope is this bud may grow into one that is fruit-bearing and huge.

Thank you for staying through this read on the TFV family.


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