A Remarkable Account of a Seed That Could Change Your Life | EVER

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

A Remarkable Account of a Seed That Could Change Your Life

About 6 months ago I was connecting to one of my Shaman friends who decided to live in Thailand due to its abundant plant fauna. This guy is on a level with plants and nature most people can’t even comprehend. He is traveling through Southeast Asia in the jungles competing with the orangutans for the precious Durian fruit when its in season.

However, this fruit is not actually the plant we are about to explore...

Its not often my shaman friend and I connect but when we do, we have hours of epic conversations. We have both done our fair share of entheogens (psychoactive substance that induces a spiritual experience) exploring consciousness in its various forms. He works with Ayahuasca from the Amazon and I spend years working with Ibogaine (an African root bark) before retiring a few years ago. On top of that, we both have enjoyed serious daily spiritual practice and contemplation for decades. I Actually just finished some Yoga and it reminded me to to share some experiences I had with this little seed I got introduced to 6 months ago that could change your life.

My friend called me (lets call him Mr. T) and told me he found the “King Soma” plant.

If you don’t know what Soma is, it's mentioned in the Ancient scriptures in India many times and known as the Vedic teachings. The Vedas were a period of highly enlightened society throughout the Indus Valley in what we now know as India and former Tibet. These scriptures mention this “Elixir of Immortality” or the Soma plant many times alluding to some plant with magical spiritual powers. The texts have deliberately been written in such a way that they won’t reveal what plant it is. It was part of the initiations and secrets of the enlightened ones back then.
Because of this, many scholars and yogis have been guessing and claiming they know what it is and several candidates have come up. There are over 108 Soma plants on the planet... finding King Soma and prove difficult. They say they were brought here by the “gods” in corroboration with the sun. Hey, some science has now found close connection between the creation of DNA, sunlight and water; it's not that far-fetched that some ET’s could have seeded some “exotic” plants on Earth catalyzing human consciousness. Intriguing, maybe?
Everything I was told by Mr. T I later found online and in books...
This is some of a section of the information my friend relayed about this plant... Skip past it if you want to continue on :) or check out the link for more.

It was the most sacred plant of Mohamed, who took the Esphand (Arabic/Persian name for the plant) before receiving the Koran from "God", it is so sacred that 7 angels are placed above its branches. The Holy Esphand castes out the evil spirits, and cures fever and malaria, in their traditions.

Through the grand son of Zoroaster, Nimrod or King En.Meru.dug, who founded the Egyptian 2nd dynasty, that this plant of life became central in the Mysteries and healing schools of ancient Egypt.

In fact the Essence that was made from the Assena Bush mixed with gold by-products, is where we get the word Essence from, and the German word for to eat Essene.

In 1903, Sir Williams Flinders Petrie, unearthed this ancient temple, which was full of alchemical iconography from the time of the 3rd Dynasty, and the 12th dynasty, with significant activity of the 18th dynasty, the great dynasty that gave rise to Tutankamun, Akenaton, Tuthmosis 3, Amenhotep 3, and Queen Hatshepsut, as well as the time that Joseph the son of Jacob, was the Vizier of Egypt, known as Yuya.

In this temple complex, were found 50 tons of white powder, which is now known to be exotic matter, composed of monoatomic platinum group elements, extracted from gold, meteors, and some mineral element rich soil of the nile, from Abydos. An alchemical crucible was unearthed, and it was shown that this was one of the ingredients of the Bread Of Light, the other was the Assena Bush and the Acacia tree.

Later the Christian Gnostics of Abydos, Egypt, called the Soma plant Besa, after the dwarf god of transformation and life, called Bes, who was associated with the god of alchemy, Ptah.

The same plant is carried into the Essene traditions, right up to the time of christ. The Essenes raised Christ. The use of the Bush become symbolic in the later church, where up to 200 years ago the holy water was sprinkled onto the people with branches of the Ruta Bush.

Leonardo Da Vinci and Michael Angelo, knowing the deeper use of this traditional plant of awakening, used it purely to increase their visionary talents in their art work, as Da Vinci himself openly admitted, it was miracle smart nutrient for him.

  • By Ananda Bosman:

This got my attention about this little seed called Syrian Rue. Humans have an ancient deep connection with this plant... and we have completely forgotten about it!

  • In Ancient Egypt there is on one stone tablet the 108 Soma plants are mentioned from all over the world. 107 of them are referred to as Soma plants(and fungus) the King Soma is Syrian Rue.

  • The plant itself grows widely from the foothills of the Himalayas down into old Persia. It is found in elevated areas and in desert areas as well.

  • Its small size makes it even more impressive considering the fact its roots go up to 6,5 meters down in the ground. This means its ability to ground you when ingesting it is very efficient. I can testify to this myself. It takes you into your body and makes you aware of every muscle, blood flow, breath etc.

  • Its seeds are a MAO inhibitor which means it blocks a certain enzyme from breaking down the molecule DMT in your pineal gland allowing your natural DMT, the psychoactive drug, to amass and elucidate its effects.

To learn more about DMT please check this doctor's interesting results:

DMT is what the brain releases large amounts of at the moment of the death process and in higher states of consciousness. It is the link between our world and the spirit world.

The human body is producing its own DMT all the time in small quantities in the Pineal Gland centered in the brain. As soon as we become sexually mature we start loosing that ability and the Pineal starts shrinking and calcifying. Its original size is like our own eye ball, however, adult pineal glands are now more like the size of a pea now.

This epic plant...

Has alkaloids in it that bring the Pineal gland back to life and open up your spiritual centers enabling increased flow of consciousness ,clarity, and purpose.
Now, other plants do this as well... but not everybody is interested in being in so called “altered states of consciousness”
Many people can’t stop raving about raw cacao, yerba mate, raw foods, super foods, marijuana etc. praising how these plants makes you feel... and not to forget Coffee and capitalism (we won't go there today).
Point is, we are all on something all the time... and if you aren't convinced yet...
Everybody is consuming. Consuming perhaps alcohol, cigarettes, or even large amounts of sugar... there is evidence of huge changes in neuronal activity. Sugar is more addictive and makes the brain fire stronger than cocaine!! These are all deemed OK, normal, even socially acceptable and often tolerable in society. But when it comes to anything outside the box and actually alters consciousness psycho-actively, even if its less addictive and/or damaging... maybe even healing... Its not OK, it's BANNED. Ayahuasca, LSD, Marijuana, and countless more. Get this though... Syrian Rue is completely LEGAL.
To get a grasp of the hypnotic indoctrination most people are in while following the mass medias gospels take a look at what Graham has to say about these plants we are loving to fear in his talk about "The War On Consciousness":

His talk got banned by TED themselves after finding out he wasn’t going to give the usual ancient history of mankind talk. But too late as its now the most viewed talk from TED after people realized how much TED filters their “new open minded ideas talks”. The ban back-lashed.

Syrian Rue caught my attention mostly because my friend Mr. T explained that the secret to Syrian Rue was not to take a huge dosage with some other DMT containing plant and have a nice ride for a evening like most online drug forums say. But rather to micro-dose it on a daily basis. Enough to subtly feel it. And remember the “trip” is on your OWN DMT that your body just stops breaking down right away after making it. There is nothing in this Soma seed itself that is psychedelic. It just unlocks your own true potential.

If this has not already piqued your interest here is some additional information to digest.

*It has the capacity to rebalance your circadian rhythm. Everything in life is in cycles. Rhythms of nature. Your heart beat and breath is good examples. We got the seasons in nature. Planets moving and moon cycles. The human body uses very powerful specific hormones and chemical processes at certain times in the day. Without going to deep into the alkaloids and science Syrian Rue is a great help in getting you back into “sync”. You have better sleep and feel more refreshed in the morning. Its very interesting antagonist Pinoline vs. Melatonin has a function we don’t really fully understand yet but its profound.
* It also balances out dopamine and serotonin levels. This seed could possibly be of support for those with Anxiety and Depression. It could maybe even replace many of the anti depressants the Doctors prescribe? Only real clinical tests would reveal this but no corporation would be crazy enough to do this as there is no patent to be had on nature which eliminated monopoly, profits and any future interest. This might be a blessing in disguise anyway for the common people.
* Also opiate addiction is somehow in some cases diminished on this Soma seed.

Due to its highly powerful alkaloids that has a intimate relationship with your Retina and your Pineal gland I strongly feel the key is to add this Micro dosing into a regimen of Sun gazing every morning to charge the Melanopsin receptors in the Retina. Try it and you will sleep better at night.

People wrongly believe the sun is harmful and cover themselves up with sunglasses, sunscreens and clothing. This is not true and try listen to the real scientists and not mainstream media about sun exposure:

Syrian Rue also takes the brain into a meditative state fast. Its whats called very Sattvic in its energy signature. This means very alert but peaceful at the same time. You can choose to meditate, socialize or work on the computer. Both left and right brain activities are supported by Soma seed.
Also you DNA is repaired and healed. here is what Ananda Bossman have to say about Syrian rue and DNA:

“What is almost unknown, is the Pinoline is far superior to Melatonin in aiding DNA replication. It could also be involved in genetic programming and corrections of DNA damage”

*Syrian Rue, I suspect, has a high amount of Ormus elements in it. It has been proven in scientific controlled repeatable experiments that Ormus has the ability to take a GMO plant and reverse its DNA into its original Heirloom state. This alone should catch the attention of the world now that we are swimming in a sea of the genetic damage Monsanto seed company has created on Earth.
So if your concerned about the purity of your DNA or DNA upgrades I suggest you try out Ormus or Syrian Rue.

Try spend a little time listening to this interesting talk on ORMUS and its amazing properties:

Besides many claims of Syrian Rue healing all kinds of diseases of the mind, spirit and body..

How does if feel to micro dose this little seed?

As always I turned myself into the experiment. (I only knew of 1 other person doing micro dosing so it was pretty much unknown territory but I’m glad I did it) It was 2 months: from 1/4th of a teaspoon a day increased gradually to 3 full teaspoons a day to see the different effects and properties. I ended up on average of a flat tea spoon of grind seeds. If you don’t grind them they won’t be absorbed in the body. Just use a blender!

Have I mentioned yet that there are no illegal alkaloids in Syrian Rue... its a perfectly legal to use!!!

More of my experience:
  • My first notice was how easy meditation was. You just dive in right away and go very deep able to sit for long periods of time. Im convinced this seed is used by the Yogis when having their retreats in the caves of the Himalayas. Along with superfoods like Moringa that also grows in the area enabling the Yogi to live on a few leaves a day while performing his spiritual practices.

  • It supports you in carrying this awareness from Meditation into your daily life. Stress is lowered and you have this heightened sense of awareness even in the daily routines. My concentration was increased and I could focus for a much longer time on single tasks at hand getting more done in the moment. Also a sense of lightness in the body seemed to happen. It was easier to move around but at the same time more awareness of the movements themselves. I did feel it have some sort of stimulating effect too at higher dosages so its important to not overdo it. Dreams was amplified and more vivid. I had Lucid dreaming more often due to this seed. Its best to not dose too late in the evening as you might not sleep well due to too much energy in your body.

  • Creativity is off the charts. You seem to get “downloads” on anything you seem to be doing in that moment only much more spiritual in nature. Deeper insights and less of the “noise of the mind”. You see the greater vision much more vivid in the moment. I feel any artist would find great inspiration playing with this seed. If Da Vinci liked it maybe other artists would too. For me walking in my garden and talking to the plants is on a whole new level now. It really is the king Soma that “connects” all the other plants and to mother earth. Very grounding and profound.

  • Also I find its working on your issues. They come up and get amplified but in a more nurturing environment as your more aware of whats going on. I had moments sitting doing something completely normal and suddenly images and memories from early childhood stories comes up as a “flash” and some “charge” to it out of nowhere. I asked in if I should sit with it and process it but the answer in my heart was always no just let it flow. Its just a bit of cleaning going on. Never mind. Go about your business. Later same day I could revisit the memory to check in what happened and I could see there was less charge around it. It simply just lost its interest overall. More peace.

Clearly the subconscious is getting cleaned up on micro dosing as you go about your day.
A bit of a disclaimer. It may make you a little nauseous in the beginning. It did to me first 5 days or so. It passed for both my friend and me after short time. And it does not taste good. Its very bitter. It's good for your liver but not easy on the taste buds. I'm immune to these things as when I know its good for me I don’t care but you might want to consider some juice or something. I take it straight and then drink some water.
So why do I think this little seed is important besides the obvious reasons above?

The world is in a process of awakening. A silent revolution in consciousness is happening. We are all in it in good and bad. A great polarization is happening on a collective scale and we are choosing daily on which path we are on. In the end there will be no need for any plants or substances as we are all divine creators of our own reality. These “helpers” are just “permission slips” for evolution. For others they can be great guides and support for the journey you are on. In the end only you know if this speaks to you. At least now you know its out there so you can make a conscious choice for your self.

I'm not selling Syrian Rue. There are plenty of vendors out there that do. They are all good quality and its easy to find. As I mentioned I highly recommend combining it with a spiritual practice and sun gazing. Do not practice sun gazing without proper guidance (if you are interested I can provide information on this).

Explore everything with an open mind and keep a positive attitude.

There is always something out there you don’t know but if you did it would change everything.

See more at http://Ever.is.
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