Hey ho let's go! How are you?
I'm fine, thank you for asking.
Sorry for the delay, I'm in a very busy week.
My last training was level 10. The last level of the beginner level.
Let's go to training.
Day 15 - Workout Level 10
Training Highlights
Diamond Push Ups
It is not a very difficult exercise for me, but it is a little uncomfortable to do.
Pistol Squats Negatives
This is a very complicated exercise. It needs an almost perfect execution, a good balance and strength, because it really tires the muscle.
My Opinion on Today's Workout
I really did not know what to say today. It was a very quiet workout, It did not require much of me.. Maybe it's because the next level is Intermediate Level.
That's it for today.
Where it All Began
For today, this is a big hug.
Douglas Fantin