Confusing: job vs calling

in blog •  7 years ago 

As you might have read I have recently been laid off at my job and this weekend my partner and I went to a congress on what I thought were job option and how to handle those in their own way.

We live in the German part of Switzerland and there are two words that are very similar in pronunciation and can even be the same in meaning sometimes

Beruf (job)

Berufung (calling)

So I thought we were going to a Berufscongress but it turns out I was going to a Berufungscongress.
And as I am quite a logical thinking person and I believe that I do not really have a lot of doubts. I also am of a mindset that everything always works out fine in the end (it has untill now so there is no reason to doubt that)

A lot of the people that I met there were very unsure of their goal and their purpose in life. They worry a lot of what they are doing and if their decisions are the right ones.
We all want to know the true meaning of life and want to feel that we have a purpose.

But what if our purpose is just to be here and enjoy the life we have and make the best of it for us and those around us.

Not everyone can change the world, nor should they.

So back to the topic. Most of us have a job and some are lucky enough to have a job that is also our calling.
There was one drawing that did make me think and it is this one...

We can do loads of things but they are not always the right things. So there are the things that are good for me and the things that are good for others. Now I do have to point out that this is not about money. You can make you a whole lot of money in all boxes but do not always feel good about that in every box

  • The shit jobs are where you know you are doing something that is not good for you and is not helping others either.
  • The ones where you help others but feel you are giving to much of yourself and are not fulfilled doing that either.
  • Then there are the ones that are really fun for you and you enjoy but they do not bring any value for anyone else.
  • The ones that you have to look out for is something that will allow you to feel happy with what you are doing while giving you a feeling that it is serving a purpose for others.

I am now in the position where I am going from a job that does not really fulfill me and in my opinion does not really help anyone either to have an option to find something that does.

This actually makes me a bit apprehensive. So in a sense I have learned something from a congress that I initially thought was something else and once I learnt what it was thought that it was for someone else.
Just opening your mind and your heart seems to be a good thing. There is always something we can learn, even in the places where you least expect it.


Have you ever had a situation where you ended up learning something you did not expect in a place where you were sure you would not?

I guess having an open mind helps a bit and it did in my case. It seems it cannot hurt to try certain things.

It did not change my point of view but it did increase my understanding.
Now I will have to not just take any job that comes along but I have the luxury that I can try to find something that will allow me to feel satisfied and content to be doing it.

Will it be my true calling?

I do not know but if it is not it will have brought me one step closer.

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Sorry to hear what happened to you and hope you find something you like. Most of us I am afraid are in shitty jobs that don't pay great. The trick is to realise that and to change it. That is easier said than done I know but anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

well I probably would have changed in the end but this has forced me to do something I should have done anyway so in a way I am happy about it