
in blog •  8 years ago 

Network Marketing 101💥

Let's use 🏔Mount Everest🏴 as an example

No matter how many times an expert has climbed Mount Everest they can't carry someone on their back. It doesn't matter how great they are. They can't do it.

It's a success principle. You can't carry anyone on your back. You can't take everyone with you! Some people just can't make it. Some people "SAY" they want to come with you but their actions SPEAK otherwise. Others just don't want to come with you. Whether they want to or not you can't make it happen for them.

They have to want it
They have to put in the time
They have to make the sacrifices

You can help them if they want to be helped but you can't ever do it for them. The sooner you learn that principle the sooner you will have more success👊


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Absolutely right!! You can't depend your success on other people. You have to take your step to reach that mount everest you've been wanted. Take the risk and grab oppurtunities to reach that high!! Thanks for sharing its a beautiful thoughts

