For too long the work of demons has been dismissed by many as a curious practice in heathen
cultures. It has not been considered as a problem which invades lives, homes, churches, and
As you previously learned, demons are an organized force of powers against which believers
wrestle (Ephesians 6:12). Demons are the agents through which Satan works to accomplish his
purposes in the world.
The following chart summarizes what you have learned about demons and their realms of
Seducing Spirits Unclean Spirits Spirits Of Infirmity
Affect The Spirit Of Man Affect The Soul Of Man Affect The Body Of Man
These Spirits Can
If you are to wage effective warfare, you must learn how to deal with demonic powers that
obsess, oppress, or possess the body, soul, and spirit. There are people all about you who are
tormented, troubled, and even possessed by the powers of darkness known as demons. This
chapter presents guidelines for ministering to those affected by demonic powers.
The teaching and ministry of Jesus demonstrated that demonic spirits are a real force of evil.
What Jesus taught about demons and how He dealt with them yields valuable information about
the strategies of Satan.
Jesus accepted the fact that Satan is the ruler of a host of demons. He taught of the reality and
power of demons. He said that the casting out of demonic powers was one of the signs that the
Kingdom of God had come. Read Matthew 12:22-30, Mark 3:22-27, and Luke 11:14-23 for a
summary of what Jesus taught concerning demons.
A large portion of the ministry of Jesus involved dealing with demons. It is the example of Jesus
and the authority of His name that provides the Scriptural basis for dealing with demonic powers.
Jesus ministered to "all" who came with demonic problems. Peter said of Jesus:
... God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power:
who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.
(Acts 10:38)
In the "Tactical Maneuvers" section of this lesson you can study further on specific cases
recorded in the Bible where Jesus dealt with demonic powers.
As you have learned, demons are used by Satan to oppose God, His plan and purposes, and His
people. They also war against unbelievers to keep them from the truth of the Gospel. Demons
control specific territories (principalities) such as the prince of Persia mentioned in Daniel 10:12-
- Demons also work through personalities, through men and women, to accomplish Satanic
objectives in the world.
Opposition to God's will is Satan's main objective. The word "Satan" means "adversary." Satan
is primarily God's adversary (Job 1:6; Matthew 13:39). He is secondarily, man's adversary
(Zechariah 3:1; I Peter 5:8).
As you learned, demons have different natures. Remember that one demon identified himself in
I Kings 22:23 as a "lying spirit." A "deaf and dumb" spirit is identified in Mark 9:25. Demons
of various natures operate as spirits of infirmity, seducing spirits, and unclean spirits. Satan uses
them to war against man in body, soul, and spirit:
These are spirits that can afflict the bodies of believers as well as unbelievers. Read Luke 13:10- - This woman was afflicted with a spirit of infirmity. She was present in the Sabbath services
and Jesus called her "a daughter of Abraham." Both of these facts indicate she probably was a
follower of God, yet her body had been afflicted by Satan for eighteen years.
For other examples of demonic powers afflicting the body see Matthew 12:22; 17:15-18; Acts
10:38; II Corinthians 12:7.
These spirits afflict the spirit of man, seducing him to believe doctrinal lies and be condemned to
eternal punishment. They are the spirits of false doctrine, cults, false Christs, and false teachers:
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart
from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.
(I Timothy 4:1)
These seducing spirits are deceptive. They actually work miracles which lead
some to believe they are of God:
For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the
kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that
great day of God Almighty. (Revelation 16:14)
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all powers and signs and lying
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because
they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
(II Thessalonians 2:9-10)
Seducing spirits include the "spirit of divination" mentioned in Acts:
And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a
spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by
soothsaying. (Acts 16:16)
Such spirits of divination or "familiar spirits" operate in fortune tellers, witches, and palm, crystal
ball, and tea leaf readers. Through unscriptural methods the spirits of divination foretell the
future or discover knowledge which is naturally unknown. Warnings against familiar spirits are
given in Leviticus 19:31; 20:6; Deuteronomy 5:9; 18:10; Leviticus 20:27; and I Samuel 28:3.
Seducing spirits sear the conscience, seduce, entice, tempt, allure, interest, fascinate, excite,
arouse, attract, and deceive. Seducing spirits are active in causing "spiritual wickedness in high
places." They are present and operative in every cult and wherever doctrinal error exists.
Remember that Satan craves worship and he will take it any way he can get it. Seducing spirits
entice men and women to worship idols and even Satan himself. You will learn more about
"spiritual wickedness in high places" in Chapter Twenty.
These demonic powers afflict the soulish nature of man. They are responsible for immoral acts,
unclean thoughts, temptations and other strategies of Satan used to bind men and women. When
Satan controls individuals with unclean spirits, he can also operate in homes, churches, and entire
nations as these groups are composed of individuals. This is how Satan works in the various
levels of structure in society. For examples of unclean spirits see Matthew 10:1; 12:43; and
Mark 1:23-26.
Evil spirits can oppress people. To oppress means to bear down, come against, or bind from the
outside. This oppression is accomplished by evil spirits in various ways. They cause depression,
create negative circumstances, and insert wrong thoughts into the mind such as thoughts of
suicide, immorality, unbelief, fear, etc. Demons create Satanic circumstances and situations
which tempt men to sin:
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power:
who went about doing good, and healing all that were OPPRESSED of the
Devil; for God was with Him. (Acts 10:38)
Demons can also possess human beings. Demon possession is a condition in which one or more
evil spirits (demons) inhabit the body of a human being and take complete control of their victim
at will. Some people prefer using the word "demonized" rather than possession, but regardless of
the term, the possessed person is host to resident demons. "Possession" does not mean a person
is not responsible for his own sin. His responsibility rests with the factors that led to his
Possession can happen willingly. A person may desire to be taken over by spirit powers in order
to conduct seances, pronounce curses, become a witch, or secure some other supernatural power.
Possession can also occur unwilling. An individual does not ask to be possessed, but through
sinful thoughts, actions, or contact with the occult possession results.
Demonic powers operating in parents and the sins of the parents can affect the next generation.
(See Exodus 20:5; 34:7; and Deuteronomy 5:9.) This accounts for demon possession or
oppression of children such as recorded in Mark 7:24-30 and 9:17-21.
There is also such a thing as demon obsession. This is a condition where one becomes obsessed
by an interest in or preoccupation with demons. It is an unusual interest in the occult, demons,
and Satan which controls interests and pursuits in a dictating manner. Such obsession with
demon powers can lead to possession by them.
A true believer cannot be possessed by a demon because the Holy Spirit cannot inhabit the same
temple as an evil spirit:
What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is
in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
For ye are bought with a price: Therefore glorify God in your body, and in
your spirit, which are God's. (I Corinthians 6:19-20)
When you belong to God and are filled with the Holy Spirit, you cannot belong to Satan and be
filled with his spirits at the same time. The Holy Ghost will not abide in the same "temple" with
But this does not mean believers cannot be affected by demonic powers. It is these powers
against which we wrestle. Satan uses demonic powers to attack believers from the outside
through oppression, the symptoms of which were previously discussed. But he cannot possess the
true believer. To "possess" indicates inside occupation. To "oppress" or bind indicates control
from the outside. The activities of believers can be Satanically directed if they allow demonic
powers to oppress them. Such oppression or binding by evil powers permits Satan to use them
for evil purposes.
This is what happened when Peter, a disciple of Jesus, was used of Satan to try to divert Jesus
from suffering for the sins of all mankind. When Jesus described the suffering He was to go
through, Peter said:
...Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. (Matthew 16:22)
Jesus said to Peter:
...Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest
not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. (Matthew 16:23)
Jesus did not mean Peter was actually Satan. He recognized that at that moment Peter had
allowed Satan to operate through him. He was not demon possessed, but he was allowing
Satanic spirits to influence him.
Believers, by their own actions, give place or make room for Satan to use
them. (Ephesians 4:27)
When a person is born again, his name is written in a special book in Heaven called the book of
life. Only those whose names are in this book will be residents of Heaven for eternity:
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the
lake of fire. (Revelation 20:15)
It is possible to have your name written in the book of life, but later blotted out because of
turning back to sinful living:
He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will
not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name
before my Father, and before His angels. (Revelation 3:5)
If a believer continues in known, unconfessed sin, there is a point at which he can cease to be a
Christian. The Apostle Paul expressed his own concern that he not be "cast away" after
preaching to others:
But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any
means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
(I Corinthians 9:27)
Paul realized that sin, especially continued unconfessed sins of the flesh, could result in the loss
of his own soul even though he had preached to others.
By continuing to live in sin you will eventually end up in a backslidden condition. This means
you will no longer be a true follower of Jesus Christ. If you continue in known and unconfessed
sin, no one can tell you at what point you cease to become a follower of Jesus and again become
part of Satan's Kingdom. It is God that determines that point. But at when it does occur, you are
opening yourself up to greater attacks of the enemy, including the possibility of demon
possession. This is why it is important when you sin to immediately confess your sin and turn
from unrighteousness:
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Word is not
in us. (I John 1:9-10)
Jesus is called the Word of God in many places in Scripture. If the Word of God does not dwell
in you, then Jesus does not dwell in you.
Demons gain control in several ways:
- Through generations: Demons may oppress or possess a person because of previous
possession or oppression of the parents. This accounts for demonic influence over children
(Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Deuteronomy 5:9). - Through the mind: The mind is one of the major battlefields of Satan. If Satan can control
your thoughts, he will eventually control your actions. Lack of mental control eventually results
in lack of use of the will. This leads to sinful actions. Continuing in sinful thoughts and actions
can lead from oppression to possession and finally to a reprobate mind such as is described in
Romans l. This is a mind totally controlled by evil thoughts.
Demons also gain access through mind-altering drugs which reduce the ability to resist demons
and grant increasing access. "Brain washing" or "mind control" teaching also provides an
entrance point. - Through sinful actions: Sinful thoughts are soon fulfilled by sinful actions. For example,
the thought of adultery is fulfilled in the actual act of adultery. Sin is rebellion, and rebellious
thoughts and actions provides an entry point for demonic activity.
When a believer continues in sinful thoughts or actions they "give place" to the Devil (Ephesians
4:27). More spiritual room is given for the operation of the enemy. Sins of involvement with the
occult, including objects, literature, seances, etc., are actions which are especially dangerous and
attract demonic powers.
An unbeliever who lives in sin is open not only to oppression of demonic powers, but also
possession. As you have learned, there is no neutral ground in spiritual warfare. You are either
on the side of good or evil. You belong either to God or Satan. If you belong to Satan and have
not experienced the new birth in Jesus Christ, then you are his to use, oppress, or possess as he
wills. - Through desire: Some people desire and request of Satan to be under the control of demons
powers. They do this for purposes of having supernatural power or performing supernatural acts. - Through an empty "house": Demons consider the body of the person they inhabit as their
house (Matthew 12:44). When a person who has been delivered from demonic powers does not
fill his spiritual house with the new birth experience and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, reentry
may occur. - Through permission: Sometimes God grants permission for activities of demonic powers to
accomplish special purposes. This can be allowed as a trial of believers as in the case of Job. It
can also be judgment for sin as in the case of King Saul.
Dealing with demonic powers is not something to be left to professional ministers. Jesus said all
believers would have the ability to overcome demonic powers:
And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast
out devils... (Mark 16:17)
Jesus has given His followers the ability to deal with demonic powers. He first delegated such
power to the disciples:
And when He had called unto Him His twelve disciples, He gave them power
against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness
and all manner of disease. (Matthew 10:1)
And He called unto Him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and
two; and gave them power over unclean spirits. (Mark 6:7)
He delegated this same power to all believers:
And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out
devils... (Mark 16:17)
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye
have received, freely give. (Matthew 10:8)
There is no Biblical basis for believing God intended this important ministry to be restricted to a
particular group of people. A layman named Philip was used by God to cast out evil spirits in
Samaria (Acts 8). But this does not mean believers should rush into encounters with demonic
powers without proper preparation, as the sons of Sceva discovered (Acts 19).
It is also important that believers do not become overly demon conscious. We are not called to
major in demons. There is no spiritual gift of "casting out demons." But you are not to fear
demonic powers. When confronted with those affected by demons, you should have the power to
bring deliverance from God.
To overcome demonic powers it is important to be able to recognize their presence and tactics.
The Holy Spirit has provided a special spiritual gift for this purpose. This gift is called
"discerning of spirits" (I Corinthians 12:10).
To discern means "to discover, evaluate, and make a distinction between." The gift of discerning
of spirits enables a believer to discern the spirits operating in others. It permits him to discover,
evaluate, and identify evil spirits.
The gift of discerning of spirits is very important when dealing with demonic powers. It enables
you to immediately discern whether or not a person has an evil spirit operating through or against
him. It prevents deception by seducing or lying spirits. One with this gift can recognize the evil
tactics and motives of demonic powers.
For example, some deafness and dumbness (according to the Biblical record) is caused by a
spirit. Other deafness and dumbness might be the result of an accident or illness. Discernment
would enable you to determine the cause behind the condition which would enable specific
Not all believers have this special spiritual gift of discerning of spirits. If a believer does not
have this gift there are signs of demonic presence which can be observed.
When the Syrophenician woman came to Jesus with an appeal that He cast out an unclean spirit
from her daughter, she said "My daughter is grievously vexed with a devil" (Matthew 15:22).
How did she know this? She knew it by the symptoms. Detection is simply observing what
demonic spirits do to a person.
Here are some symptoms of demonic activity:
Demonic obsession is recognized by an uncontrollable and unusual preoccupation with demons,
Satan, or the occult. Such a person may dabble in occult practices, constantly credit everything
to Satan or demons, or be preoccupied with the study of demons and Satan.
Demonic oppression can be recognized by the following signs:
A physical binding: The "daughter of Abraham" who Jesus relieved of a
spirit of infirmity was bound physically. See Luke 13:10-17. Chronic sickness
may be demonic oppression. All illness is not caused by demonic powers. Some
illness is caused by a violation of natural laws, such as not eating properly or
drinking bad water. Some illness is also chastisement. One King in the Bible
who did not give glory to God was stricken with intestinal worms and died!A mental oppression: Disturbances in the mind or thought life such as mental
torment, confusion, doubt, loss of memory, etc. Restlessness, inability to reason
or listen to others, abnormal talkativeness or reserve may be exhibited. All
mental problems are not caused by Satan. Discouragement, depression, and
disorientation can be caused by allergies to certain foods or a wrong chemical
imbalance in the brain. God is able to heal mental problems and illnesses not
caused by demonic powers as well as bring deliverance in cases caused by
demons. But caution should be taken not to class all illness or mental problems as
being caused by demonic spirits. Sometimes a simple change in diet or lifestyle
will eliminate a problem if it is caused by physical causes.Emotional problems: Disturbances in the emotions which persist or recur,
including resentment, hatred, anger, fear, rejection, self-pity, jealousy, depression,
worry, insecurity, inferiority, etc.Spiritual problems: Extreme difficulties in overcoming sin, including sinful
habits. Rejection of spiritual solutions to problems. Any type of doctrinal error or
deception, including bondage to objects and literature of the cults.Circumstances: Demons can create difficult circumstances which are
oppressive. Such circumstances usually involve confusion and can immediately
be identified as demonic because God is not the author of confusion (I Corinthians
14:33; James 3:16).
Demonic possession can be recognized by the following signs:
l. Indwelling of an unclean spirit: This is demonstrated by a basic moral
uncleanness and filthiness. It might include the desire to go without clothing. For
examples see Mark 5:2 and Luke 8:27.Unusual physical strength: A person shows strength beyond normal
capabilities. For examples see Mark 5:3 and Luke 8:29.Fits of rage: These fits may be accompanied by foaming at the mouth. See
Mark 9:14-29 and Luke 8:26-39.Resistance to spiritual things: In the accounts in Mark 6:7 and 1:21-28, the
demons knew Jesus immediately and asked Him to leave them alone. Fear of the
name of Jesus, prayer, and the Word and blasphemy of that which is spiritual are
all symptoms of demon possession. Excessive blasphemy may be noted or
contorted physical features and abrupt behavior changes when spiritual things are
mentioned.Changes in personality and/or voice: A person who is normally shy may
become aggressive or violent. Actions as well as appearance may be affected.
Moral character and intelligence may change. Voice may be altered. See Mark
5:9.Accompanying physical afflictions: In cases of demon possession, these appear
most commonly to be afflictions of the mental and nervous system. (See Matthew
9:33; 12:22; Mark 5:4-5). They can also include a general "pining" or wasting
away physically. (See Mark 9:14-29).Self-inflicted physical injury: In Matthew 17:14-21 there is the story of a
man's son who would cast himself in the fire. In Luke 8:26-39 this demon
possessed man cut himself with stones to inflict physical injury.Terrible anguish: Luke 8:28 relates that this man went about crying because
of the terrible inner torments caused by his possession.Incapacity for normal living: This man could not live in society but lived in
the tombs of the cemetery. See Luke 8:27.Through unscriptural methods, the ability to foretell the future or discover
that which is unknown: The woman in Acts 16:16 is said to be "possessed" by a
spirit of divination.
The following also may indicate demonic oppression, possession, or obsession:Obsessive immorality such as involvement with pornography, adultery,
fornication, masturbation, homosexuality, and other sex sins. Strong compulsions
toward eating disorders, suicide, self-mutilation, maiming, and murder.Addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Trances, visions, and meditation which are not focused on or from the one true
God.Bondage to emotions such as fear, anxiety, depression, hatred, rage, jealousy,
backbiting, envy, pride, bitterness, negativism, and criticism.
Here are some Scriptural strategies for dealing with demonic powers:
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, the specific or "Rhema" Word. Begin to build faith in
your own heart by reading the New Testament through with a new attitude:
-Whatever Jesus told His followers to do, you begin to do.
-Whatever He said He would do, expect Him to do it.
-If He said you can deliver those afflicted by Satan, then expect to see them
-If He said to cast out Devils, then do it in His name and expect them to obey you.
Disregard all the teaching of man and personal experiences you have had. Accept that the New
Testament means exactly what it says. Accept it as true and act accordingly. You are an
ambassador for Christ (II Corinthians 5:20). An ambassador never doubts that the country he
represents will back up its Word.
Fast and pray before you go to minister deliverance. Since power and authority for deliverance
comes from God, it is well to be in touch! Some demons will come out only by prayer and
fasting. Isaiah 58 teaches that God honors the fast which focuses on ministering to the needs of
Whenever possible, a team of believers should be used when binding or casting out demons.
Jesus sent out His disciples in pairs for this ministry:
And He called unto Him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and
two: and gave them power over unclean spirits. (Mark 6:7)
This does not mean you cannot minister alone to a demonically affected person when you
encounter them, but there is strength in unity of prayer with another believer. Since strength
comes from unity, those who are joining you in the ministry of deliverance should be similarly
prepared with prayer and fasting.
In cases of oppression and obsession (such as depression, demonically caused illnesses, etc.),
prepare the person who is to receive the ministry. They need to have their faith built through the
"Ramah" word of God about deliverance. (This may not be possible in the case of possession).
If you encourage the demonically affected to be prayed for without proper instruction, it is like
encouraging the unsaved to accept Jesus as Savior without knowing who He is, recognizing their
sin and need for salvation. When sharing the Gospel a wise soul winner does not press for a
decision too quickly. There is preliminary ministry to be done. Proper instruction must be given.
The same is true of deliverance. Sometimes, God delivers without such instruction. But in
ministering deliverance you want to properly use every channel prescribed by God's Word to see
the work done. Faith is one channel for God's delivering power and it comes by hearing God's
Word, so instruction is important. Jesus combined preaching and teaching with healing and
deliverance and He instructed His followers to do so also.
Ministry of deliverance to those affected by demonic powers can be done during a regular part of
the church service. Such ministry need not be confined only to private sessions. It is a valid
ministry of the church.
Jesus ministered to the demon possessed as part of a regular church service (Mark 1:21-25).
However, it is not necessary to wait until a regular service to deal with demonic powers. Jesus
brought deliverance when and wherever they were encountered.
When you are ready to minister deliverance...Begin with worship and praise:
We enter His presence (where there is deliverance and healing) through worship and praise.
Deliverance can come through worship and praise, even without ministry by prayer because God
inhabits the praises of His people. When we praise, He is present to heal and deliver.Create an environment of faith:
You already started to do this when you ministered the Word on deliverance, but you may also
need to take additional steps to create an environment of faith.
Unbelief hindered even the ministry of Jesus in Nazareth. Sometimes Jesus put unbelievers out
when he ministered (Mark 5:35-40). Other times He led people out of their village (an
environment of unbelief) in order to minister to them (Mark 8:23). On occasion as God leads,
you may need to ask those struggling with unbelief, fear, etc., to leave.Pray first:
Ask for wisdom and discernment before you begin to minister deliverance. During prayer, God
may reveal to you...
A word of knowledge: Specific facts and information about a person or condition
so you will know how to pray. A "word of knowledge" can include a deep sense
of knowing or an impression in your spirit, thoughts, words, or feelings. The
Word of knowledge may reveal what the sickness is or why the person has the
A Scripture verse: The Rhema word for that situation, condition, person, or
A vision: Pictures in the mind's eye pertaining to the one to whom you are
Words of faith: Special words of encouragement and faith specifically for that
A special anointing: A sudden infusion of power, perhaps felt as a tingling, heat,
or supernatural confidence.
A special act of faith, that if the person will perform, will be delivered.Conduct a brief interview:
This is not required. It is optional and should be done according to the leading of the Lord. God
may give you specific words of wisdom about the person's condition and you will not need to
But if God does not supernaturally reveal something to you, do not hesitate to use the interview.
Jesus used both natural and supernatural methods. On occasions He discerned people's
conditions by the Holy Spirit. At other times He asked them what they wanted and how long
they had been afflicted.
An interview helps you gain information so you can pray more specifically. It also helps you
determine if the person needs further instruction before you pray. Jesus often did this. He asked
people questions concerning their faith and then dealt with negative forces of unbelief before
ministering. Study the following examples:
-Mark 5:1-20: Jesus questions the demonized man.
-Mark 8:22-26: Questioning the blind man.
-Mark 9:14-27: A boy with an evil spirit.
-Mark 10:46-52: Questioning blind Bartimaeus.
Ask the person, "What is the problem?" Speaking a request for prayer is important. Jesus
delivered many who came to Him making known their need. The request is in itself an act of
faith that can set in motion the healing processes (James 5:14-15). Ask for a specific statement.
You need only brief facts. You do not need the complete history or a life's story.
Do not try to psychoanalyze the information you are given. Your function is to minister
deliverance. Some unique cases may require privacy and more time for counseling with a trained
counselor. Have counselors available for this purpose.
Ask the person who is to be prayed for, "Do you believe Jesus can deliver you?" If they answer
positively, then ask, "Do you believe Jesus will do it now?" If the answer is "no" to either of
these questions, further instruction from God's Word is needed.
When you are ministering to a large crowd, you will not be able to talk to each person. God may
reveal to you specific demonically caused conditions of people in the audience or may lead you
to pray specific prayers for individuals.
If you are ministering deliverance in a crowd, it is best to train others to minister along with you
rather than you doing all the ministering yourself. The commission of Jesus was that these signs
would follow THEM that believe, not "him." The work of the ministry was to be through the
body, not just one or two lone believers or evangelists.Determine the specific problem:
Use the information from the interview and/or the wisdom God has given to you to determine if
the problem is in the:
Spiritual realm: Problems related to sin. These require a ministry of spiritual healing
(salvation, repentance and forgiveness of sin).
Physical realm: Bodily sickness caused by demonic spirits of infirmity.
Emotional realm: Problems concerning anxiety, fear, anger, bitterness, resentment, guilt, doubt,
failure, jealousy, selfishness, confusion, frustration, perfectionism in the energy of the flesh,
unforgiveness, past situations.
This is often called "inner healing," but the term has been abused. It is not necessary to go back
through a rehearsal of the facts and relive these emotions. It is not necessary to spend weeks,
months, years to recover from such traumas. If you do this, you are trying to heal the old person
instead of helping them become a new creation in Christ.
Problems in the emotional realm are often related to the social realm of a person's life, ie., they
affect and stem from family and social relationships. Deliverance comes through identifying,
asking forgiveness, and forgiving the other parties involved.
The greatest barrier to emotional healing is usually forgiveness, so emotional healing includes the
healing of social relationships.
We are called to be ministers of reconciliation (II Corinthians 5:18-21). Reconciliation includes
both with God and man, and this is where emotional, mental, or inner healing comes in (all
similar titles for in essence the same thing).
You may need to instruct the person in forgiveness. It is not:
-Justifying someone else's wrongs which they have done ("They were under a lot
of pressure")
-Denying we were hurt in the first place.
-Accepting with resignation what was done to you.
-Waiting for "time" to heal the hurt.
True forgiveness comes by:
-Recognizing what was done to us was wrong, the result of sinful men in a sinful world.
-Confessing the hurt to God and asking Him to heal the harmful emotions (i.e., hate, bitterness,
etc.). You may not ever forget the fact of the incident...What you are in need of is healing for the
wrong emotions relating to it.
-Asking God to help you forgive others involved, then forgiving even as Christ forgives you.
Recognize that God extends forgiveness to you as you forgive others: "Forgive us our trespasses
AS we forgive those who trespass against us." The person may also need to forgive themselves
(guilt over their own wrongdoing) and will definitely need to pray for emotional healing:
-Acknowledge the sin causing guilt and/or sinful emotions, confess it to God, and
repent. Ask Him to forgive your sin and heal your emotions.
-Recognize when God forgives, He forgets (He casts our sins as far as east from
-Claim I John 1:8-9 and Romans 8:1.
-By an act of your own will, release yourself from condemnation. Control future
thought patterns by casting down "vain imaginations" and "forgetting those things
Mental realm: Problems stemming from negative thinking, attacks of Satan on the mind,
mental retardation. Remember: Because man is a triune being, problems in one realm affect the
whole person. As you minister, deal with the whole person, not just one area. Man is body, soul,
spirit: Wholeness implies dealing with all of these.Determine whether it is time to pray:
Determine whether or not it is time to pray the healing prayer. In most cases, you will pray, but in
some, do not be surprised if the Lord directs you not to pray or to delay prayer.
Jesus delayed healing in the case of the Syrophonecian woman's daughter and Lazarus. He did
not do many works at all in Nazareth because of unbelief. The Lord may also direct you to delay
until further instruction is given, i.e., they may need to deal with a sin problem, need more
instruction on deliverance, etc.Pray the prayer of deliverance:
Pray a prayer of deliverance which focuses on the specific problem of demonic influence which
you have identified. You do not have to persuade God to deliverance by your prayer. Just as
salvation is already available, the same is true of deliverance. Just as salvation is based on the
condition of faith, so is deliverance. God wants to deliver, just as He wants to save.
Although the power of God is sometimes present in a special way for deliverance (Luke 5:17),
you can still pray without a special anointing to do so because Jesus commanded you to do so
just as He told you to spread the Gospel.
Use others to help you minister if you are in a group setting. There is multiplication of spiritual
power when more people are praying (Matthew 18:19). "Body ministry" discourages individuals
who experience success in deliverance and those who receive it from giving glory to man.
Jesus taught that first you should bind the enemy, then you can exercise power over him:
Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods,
except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.
(Matthew 12:29)
If demonic powers are binding in oppression from the outside, pray for their hold to be loosed
and their powers to be bound. For example, Jesus loosed the woman in the synagogue from the
spirit of infirmity. She was not possessed, but oppressed. A casting out was not necessary.
In cases of demon possession, you have the authority to cast demons out in the name of Jesus.
It is not authority in your own power or ability, but in His name. It is important to use the name
of Jesus in the actual prayer of casting out the demon.
Faith, fasting, and prayer are necessary to cast out demons. (Read the account in Matthew 17:14-
21). This is why preliminary preparation is encouraged in these areas. The Word of God
(Ephesians 5:17; Hebrews 4:12); the blood of Jesus (Revelation 12:11), and the infilling power
of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8; 2:38) are also "tools" for deliverance God has given you.
Yelling and screaming at the demons is not necessary. It is your authority in the name of Jesus
that will cause them to come out, not the volume of your voice during the prayer of deliverance.
Always forbid the demons to reenter. This is an important part of the prayer of deliverance:
When Jesus saw the people came running together, He rebuked the foul
spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee come out of
him, and enter no more into him. (Mark 9:25)
Do not spend time talking with the demon, should it manifest itself through spoken words.
Jesus rebuked demons and told them to be quiet (Luke 4:34-35). Remember that any
conversation with demons is dangerous because there are lying spirits.
The Holy Spirit will direct you in the prayer of deliverance, but if you are new to this ministry
here is a sample prayer pattern to study:
"In the name of Jesus Christ and on the basis of the authority of His power, His Word, His blood,
and the Holy Spirit..."
...This establishes the power base for deliverance...
"...I bind you...."
...Jesus taught to bind the strong man first before attempting to cast him out...
"...and I command you..."
...Ministering deliverance is a prayer of authority, not of entreaty. You can speak
quietly, but you must take authority over the forces of evil in the name of Jesus.
Look directly into the eyes of the person as you speak.
"...the spirit of_________" or " foul spirit of Satan..."
...if the spirit has been identified either through spiritual or natural discernment,
then name it specifically; otherwise, generally.
" depart...."
...this is the casting out process...
"...without harming________(name of person being delivered), or anyone in this house, and
without creating noise or disturbance"
...Sometimes the demon will try to harm the person or create disturbance.
"I forbid you to reenter this person..."
...Remember that Jesus used this command...
"...and I loose the Holy Spirit to fill of this person with the cleansing, delivering power of the
blood of Jesus."
...We are told to loose as well as bind. If you have identified a specific spirit at
work, loose the opposite spirit. For example, bind the spirit of pride and lose the
spirit of humility.
Do not make a show of such ministry and try to attract crowds with it. When Jesus saw the
actions of a demon attracting a crowd, He immediately stopped the performance being staged by
the evil spirit and cast it out:
When Jesus saw that the people came running together, He rebuked the foul
spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out
of him, and enter no more into him. (Mark 9:25)
Do not attempt to cast demons into Hell. Jesus and His disciples did not do this. We have
authority only to bind, loose, and cast out. There is a set time for the final judgment of demons
in the future. The demons said to Jesus:
...What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? Art thou come
hither to torment us BEFORE THE TIME? (Matthew 8:29)
Prayer for those affected by demons can be done with or without the laying on of hands. Jesus
used the laying on of hands to minister to the woman oppressed with the spirit of infirmity in
Luke 13:11-13. In other cases, He did not lay on hands but simply spoke to the demons (Luke
9:42).Praise God for the answer:
Follow prayer with praise to God for deliverance. Remember that in the Biblical example of the
ten lepers, all were healed but only the one who returned to praise was made whole. Praise by
faith and not by sight. You have done what God's Word said to do. Believe He has done what He
said He would do. Thank Him for it.
In cases of demonic possession, sometimes the demons come out with a struggle, such as crying
out or throwing the person on the floor. When demons have departed (whether in possession or
oppression), there will be a sense of release, joy, like the lifting of a weight.
After deliverance, those who have been possessed by demons should be led in a prayer of
confession, repentance, and renouncing any sins or involvements connected with the demonic
activities. If the person has any occult items (for example idols, voodoo items, witchcraft
equipment, etc.), these should be destroyed.
Additional follow up care is very important for those delivered from demonic possession. When
a demon is cast out, he will seek another body through which to operate. Jesus taught that the
departure of evil spirits leaves an empty place. There is danger of a demon returning to his
former victim accompanied by worse spirits:
When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places,
seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I
came out.
And when he cometh he findeth it swept and garnished.
Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than
himself; and they enter in, and dwell there; and the last state of that man is
worse than the first. (Luke 11:24-26)
When a demon is cast out it is restless and discontent outside of a human body. It is only by
indwelling and controlling a human life that a demon is able to fulfill Satan's evil purposes. This
is why casting the demon out is not enough. The spiritual "house" must be filled by the new birth
experience and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Follow up counseling and ministry is necessary.
The person should be immersed in the Word of God and prayer and become part of a community
of believers.
Those experiencing deliverance from demonic powers also should be encouraged to give their
testimony. Jesus told the demoniac of Gadarene:
...Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done
for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.
And he departed and began to publish in Decapolis (ten cities) how great
things Jesus had done for him; and all men did marvel. (Mark 5:19-20)
There are specific ways to protect yourself from the activities of demonic powers. The most
important protection is to receive Jesus Christ as Savior because demons cannot possess a true
born-again believer. Keep yourself from sin, for through sin you "give place to the Devil." You
provide opportunity for him to use demonic activities of oppression against you.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Demonic spirits and the spirit of God cannot inhabit the same
spiritual vessel.
Avoid an obsessive interest in demons. It is not wrong to study what God's Word says about
them, or courses such as this one which are based on God's Word. But do not read secular books,
attend seances, etc., to learn more about demons. Avoid any contact with the occult. Do not
consult witches, shaman, astrologers, horoscopes, card, palm, or tea leaf readers. Do not serve
false gods or allow idols to come into your home:
The graven images of their gods you shall burn with fire; you shall not desire
the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourself, lest you be
Neither shall you bring an abomination (an idol) into your house, lest you
become an accursed thing like it; but you shall utterly detest and abhor it, for
it is an accursed thing. (Deuteronomy 7:25-26 The Amplified Version)
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