A simple yet still somehow fancy ashtray for this week's episode. This is a light blue ceramic ashtray. It's big as you can see from the last photo. It's a simple round ashtray but with a fancy rim. I don't know what the term for such a border is. It's not beaded but that's the closest I can think of. The rim i also a lighter blue than the center part. This is another ashtray that could be used for something else. It's simple enough that if you didn't know it was an ashtray you wouldn't know the difference.
First 100 Episode Recap | Second 100 Episode Recap | Third 100 Episode Recap |
Fourth 100 Episode Recap | Fifth 100 Episode Recap | Sixth 100 Episode Recap |
Seventh 100 Episode Recap | Eighth 100 Episode Recap |
Ninth 100 Episode Recap | Witness Proposal