Steemit, how to make a publication inserting images and videos

in blog •  7 years ago 

             Welcome back to my series of videos and my "tuto-blog" about Steemit

This time, and continuing with the goal that I have set for myself, to continue helping every day the people of the Spanish-speaking guild, who are just coming to our beautiful community of Steemit, and with some tips also for those who are not so new by Here, the goal of continuing to contribute and giving back to this community all that it provides, directly or indirectly and that contributes a little more each day to my growth as a person and as and as a member of it.

On this occasion, I will show you, those who do not know how to make a post in Steemit, step by step what they must do to make the same, inserting images, videos, and also how to put a button that redirects their readers to a page that you wish, I hope that the material that I present to you, is to your liking, and that it is easy and fast comprehension for all.

And as in the previous installment, for those people who perhaps did not understand any part or who simply can not see the video for any reason, I also leave the explanation in an illustrated way with screenshots, step by step.

 Point # 1: Submit a Story

The first thing we must do, being already inside Steemit, is to click 

We can visit the Markdown guide to put the different sizes of letters which I leave in this link:

We choose a title that seems appropriate for our post

  Point # 2: Insert images in a post

We have several ways to insert images in a Steemit post, I will show you what in my opinion are the two simplest to carry out:

The first:

If we have the image on the computer, we can simply drag it to the post, or click on the button that appears in the following image, we simply select it and it will be ready.

The second: 

To lodge the image in a platform like Imgur or SteemIMG, later, in the case of Imgur we copy the link as it appears in the image, and we paste it in our publication.

Point # 3: Insert videos in a post

Currently, the formats to insert videos in Steemit, are from Youtube and Vimeo, at least as far as I understand, it is likely that later they can be inserted from more platforms

To insert a video from YouTube, we simply go to the video that we want to insert

Then we go to the SHARE tab, which is below the video

Now we go to the INSERT tab, we copy the link that appears there, and we paste it in our post and with this it will be ready to be reproduced from Steemit.

It should be noted that those videos that are not an original or own creation, should have a review of the source and / or the author, to avoid problems due to content plagiarism, something that can bring undesired consequences to our blog if we do not comply with it.

 Pie de post By: @johjandri @erik-lopez @cervantes @pandevida @carlos-daniel


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