Energy of the Day ~ Love And Power ~

in blog •  7 years ago 


Energy of the Day: “Love And Power”


From the Deck: “Sacred Geometry Oracle Cards”

Love And Power: “Intentional Balance”

This is the last card in this oracle deck and represents the culmination of the new and ancient wisdom of Sacred Geometry. It reminds us that the geometry of shape and form is part and parcel of our very existence. Sacred Geometry has influenced cultures around the world throughout time and its wisdom is being remembered in these times to aid in our efforts toward conscious evolution.

The complex geometry of this card acts as a catalyst and a prayer that we – as human beings, men and women, acting in accordance with divine wisdom, and with intention toward our highest good – can learn to live and love in balance. This is a mighty prayer, for we have long used power as a means of control and domination. We will learn this new and tremendously creative and dynamic method of communication and interaction, only if we believe that humanity is worth saving. We must, individually and collectively, be willing to take part in this shift. We must be willing to accept responsibility for your actions and out thoughts and use our power wisely, as power to, not power over. In doing so we will usher in an age of peace and enlightenment when humans no longer act from greed and anger, but find the most powerful acts to be acts of love that come directly from their hearts.

If This Card Comes To You As Challenger: There is much to learn. The path to a balance of love and power is not easy or sure, but by your intention you will begin today to heal yourself and all those you touch by your willingness to be a part of this journey. Find the love from all situations, experiences and people on your path.

As we will attain balance between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies inwardly this energy naturally balances outwardly. These energies have been unbalanced for thousands of years. This is a huge shift, a breakthrough, and we all are all a part of it, now is the time to honor that in each of us.

We can help to herald in these energies by living with equality in our own lives. That means treating all others as equals, and it also means not settling for situations where we, or others are treated as less than equals. It means being an advocate for those whose voices cannot be heard, such as our animals and Earth allies who rely on us as their voices of truth. It means putting aside our differences, race, religion, sex, color, preferences and insisting on equality across the board.

Every Being and creature of the earth is sacred. Every Being is necessary. Everyone and everything treated with respect, including our Great Mother Sofia~Gaia. No one gets left behind.

Unconditionally Loved and Accepted.

And so it is

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