in blog •  6 years ago 

Today I will explain what would happen if oxygen did not exist for only 5 seconds many people would think that nothing would happen but in reality very disastrous things happen but tell me before seeing what would happen that you think it would be good to start.

first of all I'm not talking about the air I'm talking about oxygen air is composed of many things including nitrogen oxygen argon and others but for this hypothetical case we're just going to get rid of oxygen for 5 simple seconds so having said this it is already clear that Oxygen is part of the atmosphere and the atmosphere, besides doing beautiful things like painting the sunsets, also protects us from many things such as: from the ultra violet rays of the sun the sun has all kinds of light from the infrared to the ultra violet and ultra violet rays can burn us because although we can not see them these can be super hot and dangerous that's why when you go to the beach you put a uvb protector because oxygen also protects you from these uvb rays as if was a sunscreen and if on the beach you can burn even with protection from the atmosphere and your sunscreen imagine what it would be if during 5 sec ndos.

do not have this protection because all people who are exposed to the sun would burn from one second to another can not imagine that the burn that this would cause would be as if for 5 seconds put a giant magnifying glass on top of you and pointed at the skin and people who are on the beach or anywhere in the world would be equally unprotected because the height would not matter in addition to that during these 5 seconds removing the pain that you would feel that you are under a shaded place and you are protected even so you would see something That would blow your mind off of what a surprise it would be.

First of all, the whole ocean would begin to float in the air since all the hydrogen in the water would no longer have oxygen that convinces it and a giant hydrogen cloud arises as many of you know H2O means two hydrogen molecules and one of oxygen because without oxygen this would be a chaos and the second thing you would notice is that the world would be darker because the oxygen molecules help scatter light everywhere then the light would be easier where first impact which would warm the environment and then we have barely 2 seconds that oxygen disappeared and the ocean is already starting to rise the clouds started to do strange things you have burns as if you were extinguishing a cigarette all over your body and everything starts to look very dark the good news is that you will not feel that you suffocate the suffocating sensation you really really feel when you do not put anything to your lungs but while So, even if it is not oxygen, your body will believe that if you are breathing.

that is why you can die suffocated without realizing it by breathing carbon dioxide then in these 5 seconds you will be able to breathe only you do not know if it is really oxygen in the brain which could cause you to misbehave millions of people would give a good sigh to see the strange things that are happening in an instant for another and those people not breathing oxygen would be desmallarían but believe me that would be the least of your problems although I'll talk about it later all the cities collapsed from one second to another in a free fall towards a chaos of destruction because 45% of the earth and the earth's crust is oxygen, so when you remove it all the soil will be accommodated.

so forget about your care this could happen in the first 3 seconds without oxygen remember that I told you that you were passed out as you appreciate it if you would not feel the painful popping of your ears and the outburst of the ears of all human beings also due to the instantaneous depressurization of 21% of the atmospheric price the pressure that the atmosphere has on you keeps your ears in their place so if from one second to another you remove that compression then you would simply explode your ears and maybe see other organs besides improvements what I said of the buildings destroying themselves together with the earth.

that if you are lucky to be built of other material than concrete, stone or brick, but all the concrete would become dust because the oxygen is a binder in the bone concrete that without oxygen can not become hard considering that the concrete is used to maintain the forms of brick structures streets and many others but all this would become dust and literally it would rain would take the wind each internal combustion engine would stop working because without oxygen there can be combustion all cars in the world would stagnate and the planes that are in the middle of flight could continue planning for a while because even though the atmosphere is not so dense there is still a bit of nitrogen that I can make you plan, even if any plane taking off or landing is sure to end badly there are more bad news you remember what I told you that happened to the ocean that became a hydrogen cloud and all that because I'm going to tell you a secret guess what most of what you're doing is water, so this includes you, so much of your body would evaporate by making a cloud of hydrogen instantly as well as your cells would start to explode and also the cells of any be alive because the water is 88% oxygen without oxygen everything that has hydrogen will expand its volume causing it to explode or evaporate because it remembers that when something evaporates it increases its volume then and everyone dies

so tell me what did you think was going to happen

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Hold your breath

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