get ready to get pumped up motivationally For negativity of life
1.Les Brown
Les brown is mostly known by his political career, but he is also a moticator who can keep you moving forward
2.Eric Thomas
He was raised up in a very difficult situation like notknowing his real father, homelessness and a bunch of other difficulties
but after all he became a successful author and he can also help you to achieve your dreams
3.Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins is generally known as one of the best Motivator
on the other side he is also one of the most successful buisness men in the industry
4.Jim Rohn
Jim rohn was one of the best motivators before he passed away in 2009. still his old videos can motivate many teenagers
5.Zig Ziglar
Sadly ZIG ZIGLAR passed away in 2012.
he has the power to motivate you even when you are going through hardest times