Entered the final month!!!

in blog •  7 years ago 


So yeah, I've entered the final month of pregnancy already ( doesn't take very long when you only find out at six months which obviously came as a big shock to me and Michael).

Baby is head down apparently and moving plenty not to mention killing me with heartburn and round ligament pain in my sides at times however morning sickness is still missing which is amazing considering my past nausea issues.

Problem now is the name thing. We have our ideas of names we like not all of which the other likes ( I really hate Aiden but I do like Brandon), but I'm sure we will find a compromise. I also love Cole but that is a no go or so he says, at least i got Tristan as our other sons middle name 😀

I like the American western names in general, they have character rather than traditional English names like David. No offense to any David's meant but my dad and brother are both David and it seems very overdone.

Anyway, a month to go and i hope I can have the home birth I want and not go overdue this time. Can't be done with hospital and induction anymore, I want to be in the comfort of my own home where I can rest and not have Michael having to leave me.

Keep your fingers crossed for me and baby that we have a short easy labor, and that we find an amazing name out there ( also pray for Michael that I don't perform private snip surgery lol)

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There's a couple of Brandons in my daughter's year at school.

Hide the scissors!!! ;)

Duly noted 😋 you know she might end up marrying one of them

I keep telling her that she can't have any boyfriends until she's at least 42 ;)