Tricks to Minimize Stress When Using Social Media. Please, Do not Until You're Crazy!

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Now people are getting closer to the world era of technological sophistication. Moreover, social media (medsos), one of the internal media that allows us to close and chat with people around our lives. In addition, social media also serves as a medium for disseminating the latest information, both factually and non-factually, disseminated quickly and responsively to the owner's personal account.

The use of social media is quite easy to say, even very easy, just tapping the phone screen, laptop, or to the computer to the icon medsos intended so that users can be satisfied to play medsos all day.

However, improper social media play or overdosage using it can cause severe stress or depression effects on the wearer. This is evidenced from the Indonesian psychiatrist, dr. Dharmawan Purnama, expressed the need for self-control when surfing in social media. He proves or gives an example of the photos that exist in medsos.

Take for example, photos engagement rings, photos of good food, and photos of one's achievements. Are not these three examples of factors could trigger FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) on someone? FOMO is a fear someone feels when seeing others more happy than he is, and makes us reevaluate our lives. Other termscan cause a sense of failure to someone who saw it.

"Some feel that they are worthless, fail because they compare themselves with their friends, which he considers to be successful,"

Dharmawan said on Monday (1/15).
Not infrequently people are willing to do any task to be able to satisfy his inner social media account pet. In fact, again the depression of social media will be problematic to a person's mental problems. Low self-esteem, unwise use of time, and a psychiatric disorder triggered by a person's tragic event or we may call the PTSD symptoms.

So that we can prevent this from happening again, there is a good time we must rearrange our signs using social media.

  1. Limit Social Media Usage Time
    When the day or work hours, avoid the use of social media too consumptive in order to focus to the job. For example, those who had spent three hours a day monitoring the status of the medsos timeline, now began to be sorted or adjusted into two hours, an hour, or a few minutes to be active on social media. As long as it is not related to the world of your work.

We do tend to like lurking the conversation of friends through social media caused for a reason, such as in Whatapp, Line, Facebook, and others. But is not it much fun, if we can meet him in the real world or via the phone? In addition to meet and many stories, you can also extract old storieswith him!

  1. Avoip gossip
    If social media is only created as a gossip media, you should not have to start from creating a social media account first. Better yet, before using it, ask yourself first, what exactly is my purpose and motivation to use social media.

Do not get because of medsos, we become a person who is not correct in posting spicy comments in the comments field of people who have never met before. Comments that can make people's hearts mock or hurt her. Remember, Indonesia already has legislation about "Social Media" you know!

  1. Personal Productive
    Everyone should have a toy or a hobby that makes him more developed or more productive into the future. Also apply to social media, just use it with useful lessons, such as selling, promoting events, or building a network with the latest information sources outside of social feed. For those of you who also like to find friends around cyberspace, pilahnya the good and do not be fooled by his words in the chat room.
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