Year 2018 and is there still racism in the world?

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemit!
I love Steemians here, because they're always friendly and kind. But outside is so much different. I couldn't believe what happened to me few minutes ago. Please read carefully and tell me what do you think about it.

Credits: Pexels - Soumil Kumar

I was playing one of my favorite games called as Dota 2. Maybe some of you heard about it, because it's quite popular game for years. It's MOBA game same as League of Legends. And after playing one match, I saw there are people from same match in my second match too. They were playing good and they were nice with me, so I decided to add them as friend. They added me too and they sent me invite for party to play together again. They were 3 people, and one of them asked me where I am from. As you know I'm Turkish, so I said "Turkey." Just that! And I saw they started to unfriend me and they removed me from party.

I couldn't believe what happened. I get angry and mad. As a calm person in real life, I decided to unfriend last guy from that party. If I wouldn't be angry, I would ask him why they removed me from party, but as I said I couldn't think when I'm angry.

I decided to play another match on my own without morale. I was thinking about what happened. I was trying to think positive. Maybe they had reasons, right? Maybe they removed me because I didn't play good. I just hope they removed me because of this, instead of racism.

After my research I noticed two of them added me as friend. And only one of them unfriended me. I checked his Steam profile. And I have hypothesis about his personality even his profile was secret. His old profile names were Turkish curse words. That explained everything to me. He wasn't racist, but something worse even than racism.

Here we are in 2018! And people are still thinking like in 19th century?

What do you think about it, please let me know.

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Yeap. Strongly agree! I intended to write abt this problem yesterday when I saw a comment driven to the racism. It didnt happen to me but to the nationality related to not only me. I felt quite sad too :(

They're just thinking they're the best, but they don't know their mind is still in 19th century.

It is difficult to delete it, as each person has different thoughts

Of course, it's really difficult to change someone's thoughts

Unfortunately racism is still at large. I game a lot and witnessed it a couple of times myself. With so much propaganda out there these days it's no surprise. I'm in UK and can only speak from what i see on a day to day basis when it comes down to the information i see on the t.v or internet directed at us, but when do you see adverts on the promotion of helping people of another ethnicity local to you which would help communities a whole lot. We get adverts on how to cross a road safely so why not helping others, Never, it's always divide the people never unite.

I really don't know what will happen in future. I hope it will end some day...

There is existence of racism anywhere. Even us. Still racist sometimes and not even realize it.

I'm not sure, I still think every humankind is equal. And we should be racist against aliens (I know there are aliens in somewhere lol).