Past Ponderings:2009

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

FOLLOW YOUR HEART. You have to FIND your heart in order to actually FOLLOW it.

VULNERABILITY. It means taking down a few of those walls around your heart.

CHANGE. Nothing changes on its own. Everything has an effect. The change that happens in me is enough to transform relationships naturally. That is what my horoscope said this morning......and I liked it....others at coffee said it was dull and boring.....but I found it profound and relevant.

PUZZLE PIECES. Instead of trying to develop the image from every side.... focus on just five new pieces. Choose them carefully from the table and then figure out how they fit together to reveal the solution in that one area of the picture......the rest of the pieces will still be there until you get back to them.

PINOCCHIO. No matter how many times the story is matter how many versions are considered.....the lost & confused Pinocchio becomes a REAL boy in the end.....every single time....I love that!

These are things I was pondering a few years ago. They still seem worth pondering today.

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