I accidentally transformed my fish tank to a jungle

in blog •  7 years ago 

Hi, guys!

Yesterday I ordered some new plants for my fish tank, and today they were delivered. Seems like I forgot to tell how big my tank is, and that's what I have now. Enough plants for, may be, three such tanks. I doubt if I should remove a part of them? Seems like everything looks nice, lots of grass... But at the same time less room for fishes to swim.

Love, Inber

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First of all you have very cute fishes!!!
At first when i saw the image i thought it is a pic of an underwater area or something. But looks great. I think it should remain as it will make the fiahes feel they are home!!!

That's a nice-looking tank you've got there! :D
The bright sand goes so well with the light green plants.

У нас одна рыбка прожила 8 лет! По-моему скалярия.... мы ее так жалели.

Ого! Солидный срок!

Да, она бы еще пожила. Да мы накосячили(

An aquarium is always so beautiful. Mine is broken by a leak during my vacation. 150 L of water over the ground.

Обалдеть, какой большой! Неоны и барбусы (?) У меня когда то жили именно они) Я их выбирала, потому что они в природе живут в мутной воде)
А улиток нет? мне они так нравятся

Это не барбусы. Барбусы слишком агрессивны. Улитки есть, но хелены. Санитары аквариума. В принципе им можно даже кусок мяса кинуть.

Про холен не слышала никогда, посмотрела - красивые полосатые. Нет, у меня были не хищники, обычные)) А сейчас сухопытные ахатины.

Я хотела цветнх ампулярий, но теперь уже все. В аквариуме, где живут хелены нет места никому. Зато они успешно подъедают мертвую рыбу если я ее не замечаю. Да и вообще, на них все держится)))

Да, удобно таких санитаров иметь)))

Looks really a nice tanks, even if there are more plants ^^ I've never had a fish tank, so I know nothing about it, but maybe the fishes like to have more plants there or they usually prefer to have less plants? (just o know, if I'll have a tank in the future) ^^

I'm still a newbie in it, so I also experiment:)

I think it looks very beautiful. I do not think you should eliminate any plants because maybe your fish have more to play with, when they swim, more to see, and they can feel more at ease. So you should wait to see what signs they give, I think you will like them a lot. :)

Waow awosome fish😊

thanks dear this post is very beautifull i like fish

That is a really impressive fish tank! The fish look happy to me, and all the plants certainly help to keep the water clean, right?

Haha I like it! It might cause an issue with cleanliness though

Thats beautiful!.... You even built a castle for your fishes inside the tank!.... Nice one!

They have plenty of places to hide now lol :)

Tritons are super happy:) So much new places to explore:)

You will be after a bigger tank now :)

Sometimes I have this thought to get a second tank. But I'm trying to stop myself:)

That's what hubby was like last time he ended up with 4. He's just recently started it up again, he has 2 tanks and wanting another lol

lol! ideal place for the fish to play "hide and seek" game
looks good to me

Beautiful aquarium! 🐟🐠🐟🐟🐟🐟