Magic of tidying up

in blog •  7 years ago 

Hi, guys!

You know what I really hate? When my space is not organized. I tried different techniques during my journey to the correct order of things, but failed nearly every time. Yesterday I understood once more that I don't like how tings are going. Despite the fact that everything is clean and there's no mess I still can't call my house perfectly organized for my needs.

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So I decided to try the heavy artillery. You probably heard about a book "Life changing magic of tidying up". I yet haven't read it, but I found an audio version and probably I will combine two: listening and following advises at the same time. I'm a really impatient person, so waiting until I'll read or listen is too much for me. 

One of the basic advises there was to get rid of all trash. What can I say - I'm super good in it! During my last cleaning campaign I took away from house and gave for charity, to my friends or just threw away an amount of things that three times covered our corridor to the middle high. That time I felt relief. 

At the moment I also get rid of trash a lot, but I also need a good organizing system. Wish me luck with that, I'll write about my results!;)

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber

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I know exactly how you feel. Creative people need a space just for that, creating. We acquire so much stuff to use to create our beautiful projects and over the years we get so cluttered. Two years ago I did the same thing as you. Sold, gave away, donated and re-arranged all the areas where my crafts stuff was. This winter I find myself still unsatisfied with the results and am starting to do it all over again. Soon I will make a post maybe this week on how I organized one room just for my soaps. I so get your mindset, as it becomes like an obsession and we want our own space.... Keep going girl, I know you will get there and I will too.

I will be waiting for this post, I really love seeing how other people do it to borrow some ideas!:)

It's looking good and attractive after the cleaning ..i need to do this! I have so many things to give out but the time to do so is the prob

Ahhhh, organization! I feel like I love it, but it doesn't happen as often as I'd like! I'm excited to see where it goes so I'm following you now!

My golden rule for tidying up an area is always "when in doubt...throw it out". I usually take everything out of the area and start totally over. It usually ends up looking completely different but a whole lot nicer. : )

It's close to the method I'm about to try, only things that brig joy have to stay:)

the contents of the house are colorful
beautiful scenery when guests stop by.
always success

Nice one from you is good to be clean ..........

thanks for sharing, a tidy house gives us calm and coolness but its too difficult with kids and i am just tired of doing this again and again if any body can help me in this please do .. any tip etc

Gah! I need to do this! I sell things online, so my small house is essentially a storage warehouse! You would die in here! There just isn't much I can do, but I do have a to-do list of some things I can do, and I do think I'll have to get rid of a good lot of it. It will feel good. It always feels like I have so much to do with all this stuff around me. I should get that book.

Wise thought. I wish you always to be in a good mood. To in-house and in the shower it was Sunny!

Very good post.... Thanks for sharing @inber

I have to unpack a lot of boxes and declutter a couple of rooms. I know I'll feel so much better once it's done.