An Octopus and MDMA, Legacy of Urban Industry & New Orleans Sinking

in blog •  6 years ago 


An Octopus and MDMA, Legacy of Urban Industry & New Orleans Sinking

Scientists Gave MDMA to Octopuses—and What Happened Was Profound

Despite our vastly different brains, social behavior is built into the very molecules coded by our DNA, Dölen explained.

An octopus doesn’t have a cortex, and doesn’t have a reward circuit, and yet it’s able to respond to MDMA and produce the same effects, in an animal with a totally different brain organization.

The Toxic Legacy of Urban Industry

A new book explores the unseen hazards left behind in post-industrial American cities.

How Humans Sank New Orleans

Roughly 50 percent of greater New Orleans lies above sea level. That’s the good news. The bad news: It used to be 100 percent, before engineers accidentally sank half the city below the level of the sea.

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New insight into aging

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