GDP Happiness, Black Scientists and Nobel & Age-Friendly City

in blog •  6 years ago 


GDP Happiness, Black Scientists and Nobel & Age-Friendly City

If happiness is going to become the new GDP, we need to get better at measuring it

Move over GDP: happiness is angling to become the metric of the future. Nation states have begun to compete in global happiness rankings and plan policy according to statistics of well-being.

No Black Scientist Has Ever Won a Nobel – That’s Bad for Science and for Society

Every year, the annual October Nobel Prize announcements coincide with Black History Month, which is a painful reminder that of the more than 900 Nobel laureates, only 14 (1.5%) have been black and none in science. Almost all black laureates have been awarded for work in the fields of peace (ten) and literature (three).

What would an age-friendly city look like?

According to UN figures, the number of over 60s worldwide is set to double by 2050, rising to 2.1bn.

Why Half a Degree of Global Warming Is a Big Deal

Half a degree may mean the difference between a world with coral reefs and Arctic summer sea ice and a world without them.

Too Much Sleep is Bad For the Brain

A new study reports sleeping more than eight hours per night can reduce cognitive ability and reasoning skills.

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