I had like maybe two good teachers in my whole life

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Like the majority of people that exist in America, I went to a less affluent public high school for my education and it sucked major dick. My particular high school was placed just outside the town poverty line so that it was mostly unfortunate sad people populating the hallways (including me obviously). What resulted was a hierarchy of bullying the likes of which most of the world has seen for themselves, but Hollywood fuckers can't seem to accurately portray in any media they make for "us". If you haven't seen two obese women cave each other heads in with a dial lock, we probably cant relate.

Nerds bullying nerds and so on. All the teachers were miserable. A quarter of them were degenerates that made due by becoming a coach or involved in some extracurricular for more money, wasting most of their time and being wasted the rest of said time. Another quarter of them we're avidly pursuing a masters so that they could get the fuck out of the cesspool that was/is Glenbard East, maybe a quarter of said quarter actually achieved their goal. the one or two teachers that left a good impression belonged in that category.

The other half...totally given up. Just, vacant. Doing and saying whatever they have to do in order to get through the day and satiate us insufferable, capricious students. And god, I was one of the worst of them. I missed the majority of my classes for sanitary squalor, so can I really be blamed? I don't know. It's hard to appreciate teachers when you haven't been in an environment where they were....effective. How many people have been told by their teachers to never become a teacher? Many.

Appreciate the good ones, sure. But just remember that the universe is a random and cruel place and you will never know the answers to any big questions and unless you work hard at it you're going to die alone.

how do i reach these kids.jpg

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