My Cryptocurrency Manifesto

in blog •  7 years ago 


Who Wants To Be A Bitcoin Millionaire?

Cryptocurrencies are hot right now. Stories about Bitcoin and Ethereum are all over the Internet and now they are even getting mentioned on the cable news shows. Of course, most of those stories are about how out of control the crypto market is, but it's a start.

You have no doubt heard stories about investors who bought Bitcoin a few years ago and are now millionaires. That’s where I want to be. I have been reading this book called The Law Of Success by Napoleon Hill (the 1925 edition) and the first Law is to have a definite purpose.

My definite purpose is to be a Cryptocurrency Millionaire.

Sure, I heard about Bitcoin years ago and I could have bought some just like those millionaires of today did. But I didn’t. However, it’s not too late. At least I don’t think it’s too late.

There are still opportunities for an investor like you and me to get some serious returns on our money and maybe even reach the rarified air of the Cryptocurrency Millionaires.

Cryptocurrencies are still in their early stage as far as I am concerned. And there will be more than enough opportunity for me (and you) to make enough money to change our lives for the better.

My Cryptocurrency Millionaire Dream is starting right here on Steemit. Already I have made a few dollars. I will be getting some Steem Dollars tomorrow and I will take them right over to Poloniex and buy some Bitcoin. My first Bitcoin purchase. The fact that I am able to fund this purchase by posting on Steemit is amazing. Every empire started with one transaction. This Bitcoin purchase could be the start of mine.

The Cryptocurrency Millionaire Dream is still achievable. The real question is, how badly do you want it? If all the self-help books that I have read all my life have taught me one thing, it is that you have to have a burning desire to achieve your goals. I have that now, and it is all thanks to Steemit and the amazing community that it has created.

This is how I earn the majority of my cryptocurrency and I feel that Steemit, and other sites that will soon pop up like it, will change the way we all use social media.

Beyond becoming a millionaire through cryptocurrency there is the very real issue of returning power to the citizens of this planet. For far too long a handful of financial institutions have had control over the world’s money supply. These men, and they are almost exclusively men, have decided who gets to participate in the economy.

They have kept many people out of their system. In fact, it is estimated that over 2 billion people in the world are what is called “unbanked.” This means that they have no bank or savings account. Most of the time they are unbanked because there is no financial institution located anywhere near them. The powers that be have decided that it is not profitable to serve these people.

But with cryptocurrency, everybody can participate in the global economy, without the need for bankers.

I can send Bitcoin to a freelancer in India with the touch of a button on my Bitcoin wallet and he will receive it in minutes. He (or she) can then use that Bitcoin to buy things for their family. This takes place without any bank stepping in to facilitate the transaction. Without any government interfering to see if the transaction meets all the requirements that they have set up.

All of this happens between two people and that is how it should be.

Why Governments Hate Bitcoin

Governments around the world are trying to stop the spread of cryptocurrency for one very simple reason, control. With fiat currency, the governments and central banks can pretty much decide how much money you will have.

Recently, in i\India, the government decided to remove 500 and 1000 Rupee notes and gave the citizens just 24 hours to turn in all their cash. After that, the bills would be worthless.

Think about that for a second. In one fell swoop, the government could render the cash in your pocket useless. But it doesn’t stop there.

The central banks can inflate the value of the money in your pocket and bank account whenever they please, cutting your buying power. Look at what is happening in Venezuela. They are experiencing inflation rates over 800%. The citizens are having to take backpacks full of money to the grocery store just to buy some bread and milk.

Both the governments and central banks view cryptocurrency as a threat to their power and control over the people. Since cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are decentralized, there is no one person or group in control of it.

All the power lies in the hands of the people using it. This scares the hell out of the elites who control everything.

Many people have talked about the coming “cashless society” but they are not referring to cryptocurrency. They are talking about a centralized system where the governments and central banks still control everything. That is going to be a system where the government can “turn off” your chip, thereby leaving you no way to make purchases and survive.

But cryptocurrency can destroy that system, too. There are not actual coins that are minted for each cryptocurrency that is out there. It is all 1’s and 0’s in a blockchain. But there is no financial institution acting as a middleman, taking their cut of each transaction. There are no governments trying to regulate or tax each transaction. There are only individuals, exchanging value between each other.

This has been seen as a kind of economic utopia by some, every individual on the planet able to conduct business without the interference of governments or restrictions placed by financial institutions.

For instance, my bank will not allow me to use my debit card in any number of countries. They are telling me where I can and cannot go. Take Columbia, for example. I plan on traveling around Central and South America but my debit card will not work in Columbia.

Instead, I signed up for a Bitcoin Visa debit card through by Bitcoin wallet from BitPay. All I have to do is transfer Bitcoin over to my wallet and then into the Visa debit card and I can use it to pay for goods and services in any country in the world. Including Columbia. I can even take local currency out of ATM’s while I am there.

Do you now see the power and freedom that cryptocurrencies can give citizens of the world?

Cryptocurrency is certainly a threat to the current power structure. And that is why you see so many bankers and the media try to scare people away from Bitcoin. But in reality, they are just hastening their own demise. When people find out for themselves what cryptocurrency is all about, they will embrace it. By trying to scare people away, they are only making them curious.

In their desperate need to retain power, the establishment is sowing the seeds to their own destruction. Cryptocurrency will win. And because of that, the people will win.

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Hei, nice thoughts! I am ocurious about some of the books you have read?
Maybe pm me.

Keep up the good work!