How to Create Your Digital Marketing Strategy (Part 2)

in blog •  8 years ago 

In the first part of this article we saw which are the bases to create a strategy of digital marketing and that must be taken into account before starting one.

You can read the previous note here:

As you will see, it is not enough to invest money madly in Facebook campaigns to have many likes. You have to be strategic so that our money is worth every penny invested.

Once you have the objectives of your business we can start to consider a strategy.

Ojo: Many people asked me what the objectives are, so I'll give you some examples:

-Increase sales of the company

-Selling a product X

-Demonstrate a new business or brand

-Improving Customers

-Attract new customers

Here are some examples in general!

The Digital Strategy
The strategies allow us to focus on the actions we have to do to achieve our objectives and thus achieve the expected results, thus optimizing our investment, time and effort.

Strategy is the backbone of everything we want to achieve in the short, medium or long term. Since it is what defines the guidelines and actions to follow within a business to achieve the objectives.

Now I want to emphasize how to spend loko in Facebook ads, since it is something that I see a lot in companies.

How does facebook ads work?

Well, I'll deal with this in a simple way.

Let's say that to attract some friends to your house you have to buy candy and give them to them.

There is nothing wrong with that! do not?

Now, your friends are already in your house, but you need to make a very important announcement that can change your life. They do not want to listen to you, so to pay attention you have to buy more candy and give them away. Only then will they hear what you have to say.

Well that's how ads work on facebook, in the same way.

That's why it's no good that you have 100,000 fans or fans in your fanpage, because if you want them to see your ads you'll have to pay. (These are Facebook rules)

That is why strategy plays a very important role in all this, since it helps that our investment is not lost. If there is not really a return.

Here are some of the strategies most used as a digital marketing strategy.

Marketing content: It generates content, daily that points to the target audience according to their interests.

Mobile Optimization: Having a website adapted to mobile is something that will help you generate more empathy with your brand or company.

SEO Positioning: Although it is a job that requires time, sometimes it is one of the most important points as it will generate great benefits to be well positioned organically in Google.

Email Marketing: Many people think the email died, but the truth is another. The contents sent by email are very well received as long as they are not SPAM.

In conclusion: Defining a strategy will help boost your business, optimizing your investment, time and effort.

If you liked this article do not hesitate to subscribe to my blog, so let me know when you upload part 3.

So many successes.

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